Click on toolbox icon in table view and click button Table export configuration.

In newly displayed dialogue window select option  Enable and use table metadata in Excel export  - when this option is selected, custom table export settings will be used.

This dialogue window allows you to:

  • set column width and row heght
  • set formatting of table caption
  • set formatting of table header
  • set formatting of table data
  • set merged regions
  • hide specific part of table.

Setting column width and row height

Use fields Default column width and Default row height to set custom column width and row height in pixels.

Click on button Specific columns to set different column width for different columns. These columns are specified in the field Column index, which defines position of the column. First column has index 0.


First column should have column width set to 100px and third column will have column width set to 150px.

  1. Set column index to 0, column width to 100px and click button Add.
  2. Set column index to 2, column width to 150px and click button Add.

Click on button Specific rows to set different row height for different rows. These rows are specified in the field Row index, which defines position of the row. First row has index 0.


First row should have row height set to 20px and fifth column will have column width set to 15px.

  1. Set row index to 0, row height to 20px and click button Add.
  2. Set row index to 4, row height to 15px and click button Add.

Setting table caption formatting

Click button Table header to set custom formatting of table header. This section allows you to:

  • set Background color
  • set Font color
  • set Font name
  • set Font size

Setting table header formatting

Click button Table header to set custom formatting of table header. This section allows you to:

  • set Background color
  • set Font color
  • set Font name
  • set Font size

Setting table data formatting

Click button Table data to set custom formatting of table data. This section allows you to:

  • set Background color
  • set Font color
  • set Font name
  • set Font size

Setting merged regions

This section allows you to merge column and rows into one field and set custom content for this region. Click button Add merged region to open settings of merged region. 

Merged region is defined by row and column ranges. First row and first column always have index 0.

  • Use fields First row and Last row to define row range.
  • Use fields First column  and Last column to define column range.
  • At the bottom field can be defined custom content of the merged region.


For row number 2 and 3 and columns number 1 and 2 should be displayed with custom text "Merged region":

  1. Set value in the field first row to 1
  2. Set value in the field last row to 2
  3. Set value in the field first column 0
  4. Set value in the field last row to 1
  5. Set custom text to Merged region
  6. Click Save to save the settings

Settings Hidden Rows

It is possible to hide specific rows in the exported file. Users can specify a range of rows which will be hidden. Since BellaDati 2.9.4, it is also possible to hide all rows with a specific value.