Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


MethodWhich HTTP method should be used.

Port of the target endpoint

Example: 80


Hostname of the target endpoint


Relative URI

Relative URI of the target endpoint


HTTP headersSpecification of HTTP headers
Request body payloadSpecification of HTTP body. It is possible to reference the input values by using tags with following format: ${NameOfField}.

Example: The pressure is ${pressure} and the temperature is ${temperature}.

Authentication type

What type of authentication should be used. Available options:

  • None
  • Basic
  • Digest
  • Client certificate
Use SSLEnables SSL.
Continue on error

This toggle influences the behavior of the sender in a situation when the sending of the data fails.

When disabled, unprocessed data are not deleted from the receiver and the action is triggered on the same data again.

When enabled, the data are deleted from the receiver and the action is not triggered until new data arrive.

Please note that this option is applied only when the action fails during the sending of the data. When the action fails because of different reason (e.g. because it cannot connect to the target), the whole action will fail.

Action Rules

Action rules can be used to filter outgoing data by using various type of data-driven conditions. Each action rule is defined by the Field, Operation and Value.

It is possible to add more than rule. In that case, the message has to match all the rules to be processed by the automated action. When the sender has more than one action, the rules are applied to all actions.

Adding an Action Rule

To add a new action rule, users have to click on New filter rule. In the pop-up window, they have to fill in the name of the field and then choose which operation  they want to use. Lastly, they need to specify the compare value. Once they have the condition ready, users have to click on Add to save the rule and close the pop-up window.

Image Added

As the last step, users have to click on Apply to save the changes to the sender.

Image Added

Removing an Action Rule

To remove an action rule, users have to click on the icon Image Added.

Image Added

To finish the operation, users have to click on Apply to save the changes to the sender.

Image Added

Action Rule Options

Following operations are available:

  • greater than
  • lower than
  • equals
  • not equal to
  • greater than or equal to
  • lower than or equal to
  • contains
  • doesn't contain
  • not empty
  • empty

For operation "not empty" and "empty", the compare value is not available.