BellaDati can import data from files stored at FTP servers.

Connecting to FTP is similar to local file import. However, FTP imports can be scheduled and advanced security can be achieved using SSL (FTPS/FTPES modes) in conjuction with basic authentication.

Connecting to FTP

From Data Source Connectors page select Connect via FTP.


Connection Parameters

Enter following parameters to connect to FTP server:

  1. Host: FTP server address
  2. Port: port on which the server is running.
  3. Login
  4. Password
  5. Use SSL: Enables FTPS/FTPES mode. (optional)
    1. non SSL + empty port = defaul port is 21, plain FTP mode is used
    2. SSL + empty port = defaul port is 990, FTPS mode is used
    3. SSL + filled port (e.g. 21) = filled port, FTPES mode is used.

Login and password are optional parameters.

Selecting files

BellaDati will display server files structure. Select file you want to import.

Defining file content

Select file format. Continue to file import settings to learn more about available file types.


Scheduled imports can be set up for files imported via FTP. Continue to Scheduling Import to learn more.

Next Steps