There are cases that you want your chart x-axis to display number of days for a particular event, rather than the calendar date.

For example, if you are running a marketing campaign from 2013-08-01 to 2013-10-01, you want to display

This use case is going to show you how you could make it if you only have the date in your data set.

int days= daysBetween(rowDate(), date('2013-08-01')) + 1;

String campaign_days = days.toString();

if(length(campaign_days) == 1) {
  return '0' + campaign_days;
}else {
  return campaign_days;

This will return you the number of days in terms of the campaign starting time in the format of 00 to 62.

dateInterval('2013-08-01', '2013-08-01' + ' + ' + memberValue() + 'd') { 

It is recommended that you get familiar with Datetime Functions.

Remember that Cross Reference does not take drill down into consideration, so you are able to calculate the cumulated value. Here is how you use cross reference magically!

Here is how it looks like in the chart:
