BellaDati can be connected to Salesforce datasource.

Connecting to Salesforce

From Data Source Connectors page select Salesforce CRM.

Select SalesForce API

Select which of the APIs will be used. Process of import is the same for both options. SOAP API option supports import of more than 2000 rows.


Login to Salesforce and grant access to data stored there.



The login data you enter are stored encrypted and not shared with any other application. This login and password is used only to enable data transfer from secured SalesForce API and is not allowed to extract any other personal information from your Salesforce account.

Data Area Selection

Select predefined Salesforce areas or create general SOQL query:

Predefined objects include:

To create your own objects, continue to SOQL Salesforce documentation (for advanced users only)

Extracting SOQL Columns

You may require only a subset of columns returned by executed SOQL query. This function allows you to define which columns will be finally imported to BellaDati's data warehouse.


Following specific data source parameters can be modified within the existing data source via data set summary:


Tutorial video

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