Custom view can be used, to create your own javascript application. This application will then be executed in your view.

You need to be in edit mode in order to create new view. Click on "Edit" in top report menu to activate edit mode.

To add a new Custom view, hover over free place and click on Other view type and than Custom. The Add custom view dialog box will appear.


Custom view renderer

It's expected that this extension contains a Javascript. The name of the function can be defined using ext parameter "mainFunction" or it's generated as "main_ext_name".  So e.g. there's the ext param with value "customViewExtMain", so the JS file has main method "customViewExtMain" and that is called with 3 parameters - jQuery, container, conf.

Data formula

Now when you import the attached extension and define this view, you can define "Data formula" where its return value is passed to the JS in JSON format. In this case, with this extension, the data formula can be this:

def conf = [datasetId:814]
conf.imgSrc = '/en/bi/media:showimage/5'
return conf