Native XY chart is available since BellaDati 2.9.4. For older versions, please see chapter Creating XY Chart in BellaDati and older.

XY chart allows having numeric values (indicators) on both axes. Due to the nature of the chart, following limitations are applied:


  • without grouping: 500 values on X-axis, 3500 elements in chart
  • with grouping: 2000 values on X-axis, 5000 distinct values on Y-axis


  1. To add a new XY Chart, hover over any free place in the report and click on Chart view type and select XY Scatter chart.
  2. Add name of the chart and specify Time interval if needed - continue by Setting Date Interval .
  3. Add indicator which will be displayed on the y-axis and click on OK
  4. Add indicator which will be displayed on the x-axis and specify the format of the number and the Values grouping if required. Following groupings are available:
    1. none
    2. max
    3. min
    4. low
    5. medium
    6. high
  5. Finish by clicking on OK.


Creating XY Chart in BellaDati and Older

XY charts displays two groups of indicators as one serie of XY coordinates. XY charts show the relatedness of number values. As XY chart should be used scatter chart or line chart.

In XY scatter chart, there are displayed indicators on both axis of the chart. In BellaDati, there can be displayed indicator value on one axis only, so we have to transform indicator value into new attribute.

1. Transform indicator into attribute

Open source data set. Create new attribute of type Text.

Transform indicator values into this attribute. For this option, click on transformation script icon of newly created attribute and use transformation script, that will return value with indicator values:

For more information about transformation scripting, go to Developers section.


2. Create chart

Now, go back to the report, which is based on this data set or create new report.

Now let's create new XY chart. Create new view, select scatter chart, horizontal scatter chart or line chart.

Select indicator which should be displayed.

Select drill-down that contains indicator values.

XY chart is created.

3. Additional settings

Problem: source data contain a lot of different values. This causes that values are not displayed correctly on axis with attribute.

Solution: in this case, we need to round attribute values. This should be done via transformation scripts. Proceed to use case with change of decimal values described.