Users with the domain administrator role can set email templates since version 2.9.18 and add translations to the email templates since version 2.9.19. 

There are 3 types of emails that could have a template:

  • Create account
  • Create pin
  • Reset password
  • Unlock account

Set the template

To set the template, you should go to the "Email templates" in the Administration top menu

By clicking on the template name, an editor will be open. Here is an example of the email template for new users

public class CustomNewUserNotificationTemplate extends com.belladati.mail.EmailTemplateBase {

	def user;
	def url;
	def request;
    def linksToDoc;
   protected String getSubject() {
      return "[${appName}] Account created";
   protected String getBody() {
      def docs = linksToDoc?.trim() ? linksToDoc :
               "Instructions \"How to use ${appName}\" including documentation and short tutorial movies can be found at <a href=\"\"></a>."
	  return """<p>Dear ${user?.asString},</p>
	  <p>Your ${appName} account has been created.</p>

	  <p>Username: ${user?.username}</p>
	  <p>Password: you can set your password by following this link <a href="${url}/en/user/processrequest/${request?.id}/${request?.verificationCode}">${url}/en/user/processrequest/${request?.id}/${request?.verificationCode}</a>.</p>


	  <p>Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or recommendations.</p> 

Translation of email templates

You can add the translations for your email templates. To do that, select a preferred language, so all the templates will be displayed for the chosen language.

Next steps  

Administering users 

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