Release Notes BellaDati 2.10.10
Release date: December 29, 2023
- Report, KPI labels - Enable Drill-downs
- Report, Enable nested side panel with nested reports
- Domain update - Add option to update all domain globally
- Git - Add option to load property with application version
- REST API, Data sets in cluster mode - Locking improved
- Big data set - Allow viewer access to list of tables and cubes
- Media cleanup improvements
- Data set, Forms - Allow specify CSS class
- Data set, Forms - Add HTML element type
- Data set, Forms - Enable common oAuth callback
- ML Studio - UI improvements
- ML Studio - The same project can run in parallel for multiple domains
- User security levels - Performance improvements
- Report, Filters - Enable translations for values loaded via formula
- Report, Map layers - Allow translations
- Report, Map layers - Enable an option to set opacity
- Report, Maps - Add option to show image member list as slideshow
- Report, Map notifications - Enable button to close all notifications
- Report, Map notifications - Add option to filter the displayed notifications
- Report, Map notifications - Load notification based on the additional parameter
- Report, Tables - Add option to load the table header even if there is no data available
- Report, Table row actions - Enable changing dialogue header and text fields for delete action
- Administration, Member colors - Add an option to keep the attribute member color for all appearances
- Data set, HTTP Connector - Enable option to trigger the data source execution and pass login credentials from ML
- Administration, Requests - Large request cannot be loaded
- Data set - Cube processing with long query rolls back changes
- Data set, Forms - Option Render as disabled input is not included in backup
- Dashboard, Filters - Table exported from dashboard does not apply filter
- Report with flow - BellaDati endpoint type does not work
- Report - When variable with date is used, values are not returned
- Report, REST API - Table first cell info missing in response
- Report, REST API - Repeated requests response can be slow
- Report, REST API - Repeated requests can return nullpointer exception
- Report, Table - Group indicators are not calculated correctly
- Report, Map - Layer configuration button is not visible when notifications are displayed
- Report, Map notifications - Closed notifications re-appear after a new notification is generated
- Endpoint config - BellaDati endpoint cannot be used via action button
- Create domain from template - ML pipeline does not contain trigger and ML project
- Create domain from template - Custom renderer is not applied on tables in the newly created domain
- Create domain from template - Big data set, Cube option execute on data change is not applied in the newly created domain
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