Release Notes BellaDati 2.10.5
Release date: December 23, 2022
Data set, Data source - New data connector S3 allows you to download data from Amazon S3 storage
- Report, Map - Conditional formatting - Add option to set up the icon based on the current value
- Report, Map - Display attribute values list for geo-points and includes additional details
- Report, Map - Formula - Add option to load, create and modify GEO locations
- Report, Map - Enable configuring geo points definition from report
- Report, Map - Enable custom styling and images in values list
Report, Map - Enable on-click actions for geo-points
- Data set, Forms - Add option to load the value via request config
Report, Forms - Add option to edit the values without the row ID
Report, Action button - The dialog window should support domain customization
- Report, Action button - New bullet menu option
Report - Add a new option to hide empty rows in table
Endpoint configuration - Enable Google geocode function
GEO providers - New option to set default map provider
- User profile - Add option to disable comments
ML Studio - Enable sharing
Report - Ignore CM calculation when Indicator calculation
Report - allValues() should include the user level permissions to data
- Layout - Login on mobile version
- IDE - Show preview on REST endpoint
- Export - Linux table pdf export format is incorrect
- Report, Filter - When resetting variables in URL incorrect operator was set
- Report - When custom member is in primary filter, additional filter does not show correct custom member values
- Report, Parameters in the URL - If the parameter contains additional filters, null pointer causes the app to crash
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