Release notes BellaDati
- Report, chart - Make manual axis range end mandatory
- Thumbnails of some reports are not generated on iPhone/iPad
- Report - Embedding table with conditional formating in iFrame and iGoogle displays AJAX errors
- Bar charts - bad colors for time items when members on x-axis
- Embeded views created with https url even if secured-mode on false in
- Mercato - Update of table drill-down leads to error messages (menu update cannot be done)
- Report - missing thermometer and funnel chart translation
- Minor UI bugs
- Import, XML- repeating tag names and CDATA tags are not supported
- XML backup - fix popup forms UI bugs
- Data set - cannot delete data set
- Data Set - Cannot download data or structure backup if name of dataset contains , (comma)
- Core - cleanup service drops materialized views
- XAxis labels aren't visible at some chart sizes
- Members loadings refactoring
- Core - improve caching
- XML import - xpath support in custom attributes
New Feature
- XML import - enable previous definitions reusing
- OnPremise - remove Piccolo link
Content Tools