Release notes BellaDati 2.6.1
Read also the release preview article
New Features
- Charts - two y-axis support
- import, XLS - enable native formulas evaluation
- Report, chart - members limit support
- Data set - Allow hiding attributes and indicators
- User administration - allow to set new owner for associated objects while deleting user
- Data set description
- FTP Connector
- XML backup/restore for Facebook, Amiando and SalesForce
- Reports and dashboards sorting
- Data set - allow deleting filtered data
- Speedometer chart
- Charts - Indicator levels support
- Filter - add custom value support
- Joined data set - add possibility to temporarily disable materialization process
- Data set - asynchronous transformation support
- Data set - transformation of existing data
Bug fixes
- Screen is scrolled after report view settings are updated
- Spider chart is displayed very small when level members contain long names
- Report, table - Sorting by indicator value with two drill-downs does not work
- Data set - Renaming to already existing name doesn't show error
- Report - Custom content misses publish button
- Data set - Selecting multiple XML backups with paging causes error messages
- Report, chart - Members on horizontal axis setting is not copied
- Report variable of type "Filter" is converted to "Text" in report's clone
- Report - Sorting by indicator which has AVERAGE, MIN and MAX member or time aggregation is sort by SUM aggregation
- XML backup of data set fails with absolute time intervals in report
- Classification - Blank attribute can be renamed in form despite it does not apply
- Charts - Sum bar color should differ from other bar's colors
- Work with indicators form is unstable
- Report - Table copy does not reflect the width
- Report, chart - y-axis labels don't reflect format settings
- Report variables - Cannot set another value for Filter variable on cloned report
- Charts - y-axis labels are not displayed correctly for small decimal numbers
- Time interval - User defined option with "set according to data avaiability" does not work
- Table - Mac scrollbars not visible in scrollable tables
- Report, custom members - content of the dialog does not fit the window size
- Data browsing - row is deleted without opening the confirmation popup
- Member value with comma selected to filter is not loaded
- Core - disk usage is not evaluated correctly, if domain name consists of special characters only
- Report, export - PNG table is incomplete
- iFrame - Tooltips do not work in charts
- Import - error messages for locked data sets are not displayed correctly
- Report - Indicator conditional formatting cannot be set with comparison to another indicator
- Report, table - Conditional formatting with comparison to another indicator is not copied
- Data set, import - not able to reuse transformation script in newly created columns
- iFrame sharing - improve access checking with security tokens
- Report - Allow sorting by indicator values and counts according horizontal drill-down members individually (not only total)
- Separate attributes and drill downs pages
- Data source - improve imports overview
- Properly detect if browser is using overlay scrollbars
- REST API Improve report last change loading
- Joined data set - improve error messaging regarding limits
- Search - improve displaying of data set, indicators and attributes search result
- Core - improve no time data exception handling
- Data set - improve overview caneldar for many imports
- Data set, joins - enable matching same destination column with more primary columns
- User profile - improve user login activity chart
- Import - ETA is not displayed in On-Premise with no nodes (loader hangs on)
- Data set - Improve message when trying to propagate new indicator or attribute to join I have no permission to
- PDF Export - Do not include first page if report description is blank
- User detail - Change login activity chart to HTML5
- Make tooltips more readable when using light colors
- Report - open indicator settings after clicking on indicator
- Report - Display indicator unit in charts
- Report, table - correct level aggregation description
- Correct new charts export
- XML Export/Import Chart conditions settings
- Charts - conditions colors select
- Improve ROLAP data structure
- Data rows limit - import data rows as possible and set appropriate error message
- Data rows limit support
- Data browsing - display records count in correct format
- Report, export - Merge iGoogle sharing to general embed page
- Improve ajax-loader
- Data set - improve data browser and data source header
Content Tools