Release notes BellaDati
Release date: September 30, 2014
New Features
Report, charts - support indicator groups
Include report / data set name in emails
Chinese translation update
GEO mappers - add indexes for entries
Report - minor filter UI improvement
Installer - upgrade bundled JRE to
Bug fixes
DateSet - attribute - filter permissions - cannot set dataset in some cases
Import progress bar keeps loading for small imports
Geo point definition for US states contains spelling and other errors
Users list - Domain choicer doesn't work
Cannot add view to dashboard - this view already exists in the dashboard
GEO mappers - points import example doesn't correspond to implementation
Report - Context Date Drill Down by Days show 0 for indicators
GEO mappers - cannot delete single points/shapes entry
Administration - domain admin cannot access all data sources list
Administration - superadmin doesn't have access to media library and GEO mappers
Report - embedded view page doesn't contain title and has old icon