Release notes BellaDati
Release date: October 10, 2014
New Features
Report - add support for filter on group indicator
- REST API - add domain/user provisioning endpoints
Data Set - attribute permission setting - use choicer for mapping data set
Chinese localization improvement
Formula - add support for Partial parameter in date(), time() and datetime()
REST API - set 30 seconds validity to LOGIN_UNATTENDED user requests
User requests - send plain text responses for LOGIN_UNATTENDED requests
Bug fixes
Installer doesn't work on Mac
Can not upload BellaApp in some cases
Import - if geo column contains invalid value whole import is aborted
MapView - NPE when second drilldown attribute is selected
BellaApps, GEO Points - GEO Points not imported
Unable to export BellaApp in some cases
Report - empty space, row content is not displayed
Data Set - data set with no viewable rows after filtering causes error
Import settings - cannot get value of date/time column by value('L_DATE')
Gantt chart keeps loading and blocks the application