Release notes BellaDati
Release date: January 12, 2015
New features
Report - don't show attributes/indicators when user has no access to them
Report - Control types - Minimal & Limited controls - it is not possible to add custom drill-down to the table
Projector connector - field Additional Parameters should be optional
Data import - Avoid scheduling same data source executions on init
Report - Schedule email - improve text of validation error
- Administration, ActiveDirectory - allow to configure whether create not existing users or not
Add missing translations into Chinese localization
Bug fixes
Report, Export - scheduled email - report which contains czech symbols is not sent
Report - sharing - limited controls don't work properly - user is not able to add indicators to charts and KPI
Report, KPI conditional formatting - prev/next conditions do not count correctly
Report - Filter View - Click "Save" icon will refresh page to top
Report - Table - Minimal width of left header has to take icons into account
Report - Filter panel has no scroll bar
Report - Scatter chart - bad format of 2nd indicator on hover
Report - Scatter chart - If there are 2 indicators used in the chart Y-axis is not in correct format
Data Set - padding of user name in "more..." pop up windows is too big
Data Set - Overwriting policy name displayed wrongly at import details window
Data set - ETL column name is not stored
XML/A connector - cannot execute MDX query on cube from different catalog
Sharing console - Users - public data sets from all the domains are displayed for each user
Sharing console - Data sets - it is not possible to change the global permissions
Sharing console - dashboard and user edit page unable to edit user/user group
Table element inline edit doesn't work for multiple tables
REST API - make domain handling methods NPE resistant