Release notes BellaDati
Release date: September 22, 2015
New features
On-demand data source synchronization
Report - Radial chart - add option to "switch axis"
- REST API - Allow admin to obtain access token for specified user
Report - Filter - add possibility to set default value for additional filters
Report - Chart - add possibility to adjust custom step size
Data import - progress bar is showing "Loading.." until percentage increases when re-opening the page
Import settings page - Layout of top menu needs to improved on smaller screens
Export schedule - support sending reports which are not stored in any domain
Dashboards - show error when somebody stored the layout before the current user attempts to
Data set, Indicators - unify actions items with attributes
Report, permissions - can't access report created by domain admin user when the domain admin (report owner) hasn't explicit data set access
SalesForce data set - spelling error
Usage monitoring data set - use original report name instead of translated report/dashboard name
Bug fixes
Data source - when importing in "delete all" mode, data are not accessible until the import finishes
BellaApp - default geo mapper is not stored in the BellaApp
Report - filtering in table is not working correctly
BellaDati - Chinese translations
Report - Relative Date variable - Filters panel freezes when default settings is used
Report - Filter view - Search mode is not displayed correctly
Report - blank elements of date attribute do not display any values
Report - hide view on mobile is not stored in backup
Data sources overview - change in sorting causes Content is not up to date error message is displayed
Report - source data - error caused by the same indicator codes
Report - Filter view - Missing "Disable all values" switch
Data sets, browse data - grouped indicators blocks displaying Browse data page
Report - Table with formula, two drill-down and date drill-down cannot be displayed