Release date: February 25, 2016
- Report formula editor
- Formula debug mode
- User login notifications
- Basic extensions support
- User settings - Allow set keybord shortcut which will be used for the hints invocation
- Add array utils to indicator formulas and transformation scripts
- Report, Gantt chart - Add support for date/time interval definition
- License - Add support for maxReports and maxDashboards parameter limits
- Client API - Add endpoint for getting the view detail with data
- BellaDati - Update Chinese translations
- Formula - Make date/time operations null safe
- Report, maps - Implement server side tiles caching
- Stack Bar Chart - Add option to show indicator value
- Data set - Allow column ordering for joined data sets
- Code editor - Don't close popup when ESC is pressed
- BellaDati - Japanese localization - Update translations
- Administration, domain - Allow edit supportValidTo filed
- Map Provider - Replace providers which are not working
- Stack bar chart - Display total value for each indicator/bar
- Data browser - Add column icons to distinguish attributes and indicators
- Horizontal Stack Bar Chart - Unify displaying total value in Stack Bar Chart
- Indicator formulas - Add datetime constants which will return date (time) from and date (time) to
- Report - E-mail export - Add option to display or hide row with static filter in view in e-mail body.
- Report - Table - Drilldown settings - "Don't show for previous aggregation" should be visible only when "Display total value is enabled"
- Data set content cannot be erased
- Map export does not work on Windows
- Data source executions are scheduled twice
- Gantt chart specific configuration blocks the system
- Report - Fix positioning of title color pop-up window
- Don't show HTTP 500 when database is not accessible
- Report, filter - Auto-submit doesn't work with date interval
- Report, variables - Reset is not displayed for values choicer
- Sharing console - Report - Public access cannot be disabled
- Stack Bar chart - Total value is displayed with wrong formatting
- Report, BellaApp - Filters inside view are restored as global filters
- Report - view without name is not rendered when using variables
- Quarter picker sets the current day instead of first day of quarter
- Report - formatNumber function is not working correctly in KPI labels
- Dashboard/Report with many views does not load - App is overloaded
- Sharing console - Changing Global permissions sometimes displays an error
- Export - Charts containing comma are exported as image without commas
- Report - iFrame - Custom logo should be used instead of the default one
- Data set - cannot change indicator/attribute code of lenght 23 and 24 characters
- Domain copy - Indicator column ETL names are not copied to the newly created domain
- Opening BellaDati in new tab causes that app is displayed in the browser default language
- Report, filters - If option Don't show all values option is selected, field "Show all values" label shouldn't be displayed
- Report, Line chart - When dot chart is set to none and user uses line to select more indicators, [Object object] is displayed
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