Release notes BellaDati 2.7.3
Release date: December 20, 2012
Read the release article on our blog
New features
- Drill down in charts
- Import - enable transformation script saving
- Report - allow to save quick chart as view
- Report - allow to exclude indicator from displaying in view
- Report table - display cell data
- Report - allow to reference report indicator for conditional formatting
- Report - allow to display table without indicators
- Data set, import - Add overwrite policy by date match
- On-Premise executable war
- Separated REST module
- Data set - name translation support
- Report, variables - propagate variables to captions
- Pie chart/stack bar chart - allow to disable percentage information
- Charts - logarithmic y-axis range values
- Charts - configurable axis label
- Pie chart - allow to specify the beginning of chart
- Report - Enhance possibbilities of adding views to the dashboard
- Improve tables accessibility
- Report, table - Add colspan when indicators group used
- Indicator formula hints - Improve auto-complete
- Data browsing - use drop-down menu instead of icons for columns operations
- Improve quick chart save as function
- Report - Cell based layout
- Report - autorefresh only if data has been changed
- Report, table - Allow to hide drill-down symbol (for "static" lists)
- Import - improve transformation scripts editing
- Report, export - Add info about export limits
- Layout - enable operation for making space wider
- Dashboard - Add vertical scroll bar for demo data dashlet
- Solve http unsecure map tiles loading problem (IE8)
- Report, export - Add attribute header to tables
- REST, list views - sort report view by its position
- Improve chart tooltips
- Report, Dashboard - Make edit layout button floating
- Extend inline edit to support multiple languages translation
- Report - set default table style to silver
- Table - Finalize cell functions menu
- Finalize chart drilldowns feature
- Report - Allow to delete failed view
- On-Premise - Add configurable option of shortest synchronization interval (<1hr), checking of previous import finish
- Tables - Finalize support of non-indicators tables
- Reports - Remove views count limit
- Enable Turkish localization
- Core - expose last data change to upper layers
- Update PostgreSQL driver to 9.2-1002
- Rename "Backup" to "Save as Template"
- XML backup - Add data set translation support
- XML backup - Add advanced charts settings support
- Demo data - Update layouts, create GEO data
- Dataset menu - Create big icon for scripting
- On-Premise - Enable CUSTOM import interval by default
- Data source - Google Analytics remove deprecated values
- Data source, google analytics - Remove deprecated metrics
- XML backup - Add GEO map drill-down to GEO data mapping
- GEO data - Add function to backup GEO points and regions definitions
- XML backup - Add function to check and match required GEO data mapping
Bug fixes
- Reports, comments - Correct bug with long words
- Report, chart - after submiting form without name, chart type is not displayed
- Report, table - Drill-down header is uncomplete when short member names
- Browse data table header crops texts
- Moving of larger view is very difficult in IE8
- Report, filters - Unable to scroll throught long list of filters
- Report - exporting doesn't contain right date/time interval, when viewer changed it to another value
- Report, XLS export - numbers are not formatted according the indicator's number format
- Report, copy - fill empty cells setting is not copied
- Report, layout - Do not display arrow for horizontal resize on the right
- Report, view - display message when user tries to clone view and no space is available
- Report - map doesn't fit the view after reload
- Report, bar chart - Bars get wide and overlapped when the chart is small and contains lot of dimensions
- Bar chart - Columns too wide when higher count of elements in chart
- Filter cannot parse previous IN values
- Report, table - Left header width problem
- Chart inner layout - different sizes of charts in one view
- Report, table - Export leads to stack depth exceeded error
- Data set, import settings - Cannot edit invalid formula
- Report, KPI label - Using custom date interval results in endless loader
- Report, table - Quick filter (from drill-down) does not work
- Report, chart - Dark color theme results in badly visible axis legend
- Data set, browser - Headers are partially hidden for longer names
- Report - Calendar should be offered only for daily interval
- Report, KPI label - Do not allow to insert indicator groups and subgroups
- Report, charts - Do not offer indicator groups and subgroups within quick menu
- Report, chart - Tooltips for funnel chart do not work
- Report, layout - disable horizontal split if cell is too small
- Report, export - Misaligned header in tables with date and indicator groups & subgroups
- Report, layout - vertical resize of last row is uncomfortable
- Data transformation - all rows values are overwritten with first row values
- Import - transformation script editor is not initialized correctly
- Import - transformation script is not show when containing error
- Data set - "more" popup doesn't work
- Fix dashboard export/import
- Cannot save template when domain contains alerts
- Domain template - restoring of dashboard created in previous doesn't work
- Map view - Cannot see tiles when map is on a dashboard
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