Release notes BellaDati
Release date: July 30, 2013
- Data collecting improvements
- OnPremise - allow enabling data collecting using license key
Bug fixes
- Report, Variables - Cannot open filter setting popup
- Report, Table - After deleting an attribute in data set, the table view is no longer accessible
- Data Set - can't connect to multiple data sources
- Data set, Export - not all lines are included and some are doubled
- Data Sources, MongoDB - Text search results not processed
- Data Sources - can't create to multiple Mongo connections in single data set
- Report, Formula - withoutDateTime not working
- Report, Formula - contextYear combined with aggregated time interval returns first day of the next year
- Data Collecting Form - created date column in the form is not mapped to data set Date/Time column
- Data Collecting Form - unable to delete a data set when a collecting form is created for it
Content Tools