Release notes BellaDati 2.7.5
Release date: August 19, 2013
Read the release article
New features
- Report versioning
- Report - undo/redo for views
- Report - Drilldown value URL appereance
- Report - enable table formula appearance setting
- Report themes
- Report, filter - add support for counts filtering
- Data sets - possibility to order the list according to last upload time and last change time
- Data set - bulk import of members translation
- Data set - Support subsets for attributes
- Data sources - notifications support after import is finished
- Data sources, SQL connector - database discovery support
- Configurable application properties from GUI
- Data collecting support finalized
- Data set permissions - allow using OR in data level filter
- Editable Conditional Formatting
- Report - raw data in Maps
- Report - allow drill down in all chart types
- Create user - send the "set password" link in the notification when "Send notification" is selected
- Conditional format - Calculating percentage from zero previous value should not be displayed (irrelevant)
- Data source - Allow enabling import notifications when confirming import
- Permission to change from editing mode to view only on user list for sharing
- Connecting to Google spreadsheet - allow to identify the no of sheet
- Report, formulas - Add closure support for cumulateFromDate and cumulateFromTime
- BellaDati Apps - show appropriate texts when running export or the export fails
- Twitter connector - add user timeline to my timeline object
- Data set, indicator - Add CrossValue menu to a data set formula editor
- Joined data set - allow to run rebuild even the previous build failed
- Conditional Formatting: Do not display percentage change if it is the first value or the percentage change is 0%
- MongoDB connector - Improvements
- Add new MongoDB data source icon
- Reports - make save changes asynchronous
- Formula - rank caching improvement
- Filter - Add profile/domain variables ($user, $company)
- GEO data - Add search option for points/shapes definitions
- Update Domain Expiration Window
- Improved Report and Entity permissions model
- Data source - Allow to parametrize SQL query by variables
- Report, export - Tables without indicators improvements
- REST API - Add KPI label into thumbnail generator
- Report, quick-chart - Do not offer quick-chart function when there are no indicators in table
- Dashboard - Improve editing dashlet descriptions and displaying custom content dashlet
- KPI label - Allow to display text for formula indicator value
- KPI label - Display exclamation mark if indicator formula evaluation fails
- Dashboard - Allow to swap dashlets directly
- Data set - Do not export date/time column for data sets w/o date/time
- XML backup - Allow to import reports w/o owner
- Dashboard - don't use underlines in links
- Data set - record manual data changes
- Report - Open Indicator settings when clicking on Indicator name in report
Bug fixes
- Filter test fixes
- Geo maps - Display chart tooltips on the bottom of cursor of the heat map
- Report, table - headers are not shown while scrolling wide columns
- Report, layout - Layout is messed in certain positions
- Data set, join - Unable to change cross join to other types of joining
- Report - Indicator - Formula Editor - Too long formulas breaks dialog window.
- Dashboard - Tables - Drill downs does not work automatically
- Dashboard - List Table - Large tables overlays the dashlet title.
- XML backup - Attributes in the joins with the same name cannot be imported if referenced from report (drill-down)
- Report - Deleting comments should also trigger instant synchronization as adding new
- Data browser - table header is not aligned to table body in Firefox
- Report - Unsaved changes warning message results in endless loader when invoked from other popups and clicked to stay on page
- Report, variables - Missing numeric conversion according to domain settings
- Report - can't set title color for KPI and Geo map
- Report, table - Selected predefined drill-down path is not highlighted when first selected
- Report, export - don't display empty right column when exporting static lists
- Raw cell data not able to scroll from left to right to see the full data table
- Data set, calendar - Deleted import color is not changed
- Data set, import - Import progress bar stays on the page very long time even the import is already finished
- Table - Endless loader when tried to edit view w. removed attribute
- Data Set used in Cross Reference formulas and no report built on top of it is not exported together while creating template
- Cell comment for report is not working properly
- On-Premise - Welcome popup content is not initialized immediately after login (fresh installation)
- Layout - If the lowest cell is deleted the cell above is enlarged.
- Report, chart - In horizontal bar chart Logarithimc Y axis should be Logarithimc X axis
- Domain, limits - Reports, Data sets and Dashboard limit can be exceeded by uploading Belladati App
- Administration, user profile - If all user info is added "Menu" and "Edit" buttons are out of the menu
- Report, quick chart - Tooltip is displayed behind quick chart popup
- Report, geo map - Members translation is not propagated into a geo map
- XML export - Data set with wrongly imported time format cannot be exported
- Data set, XML export - If one of the data sets contains problen, the entire XML backup is exported wrongly
- XML export - Data set with wrongly imported time format cannot be exported
- Dashlet - Broken layout in Filter dashlet
- Report, chart - Cannot access Raw data as viewer
- Report, KPI label - Viewer has access to settings
- Piccolo - User can login even when domain is expired
- Dashboard - search filter is displaying empty header
- Belladati Apps - Cannot export app with dashboards that have deleted views.
- Data set, import export - First import in data set restored by Belladati app is downloaded as an octet-stream
- Missing CS key in Joined Data set
- Administration, user import - Encoding auto selection doesn't work
- XML backup (or app): multiple join points for same DataSet are not exported
- Report, raw data - Drill-down members are not translated in Raw Data table
- Export App sometimes returns incorrect reports
- Chart and Map does not support formula membersSum(),
- View with Date dimension to Cross Reference indicator in a data set without date dimension is not working
- Report layout without available space: quick clone to newly created space fails, because layout has not been updated yet
- Report - Export - When exporting table to PDF, XLS, result has different members order
- Data Collecting Form - don't allow map two date fields to date column
- Report, formula - membersSum returns different values when changing members order
- Report - Indicator - Broken layout in too long formula
- Data Set - Data ordering doesn't work
- Report - Clicking on Indicator Drop Down directs to Drill-Downs Menu
- Report - Variables - Setting Filter through URL doesn't work
- XML restore - Mapper for a report is required even if the report is excluded from import
- "Unknown error" trying to authorize an OAuth request token
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