Release notes BellaDati 2.7.7
Release date: February 05, 2014
Read the release article
New features
- Data Set - LinkedIn Connector
- Data Set - Zendesk Connector
- REST API - Support for executing imports
- Report - formula - Support Math operations on row level
- Permissions - Vertical (column) permissions for attributes and indicators
- Report - Add doughnut chart support
- Data Set - Connector - Existing Data Set - Add Database Discovery Window
- Data set - allow setting not to materialize data set
- Report - Allow changing date/time interval for read-only user in Charts, Maps and KPI labels
- Charts - display/hide legend option
- Dashboards - Enable comments on dashboard
- GUI - Application icons face-lift
- GUI - Main menu redesign
Bug Fixes
- Report, date/time - Cannot use "Set according to data availability" after changing the date/time attribute
- Report - conditional formatting with previous value shows growth only
- Migration Chart: Aggregate date time if chart type is HBAR
- Safari - Welcome popup is blank upon first login
- Chart Mouse Over and value showed not applying indicator formatting
- Chart Indicator Show Values does not take indicator formatting into consideration
- Cannot delete domain
- GeoMap heatmap data range classification should apply data formatting set for the indicator
- Data Set - Translation - Untranslated Error when Column Index out of Range
- On-Premise - Text is hard to see in Data collecting forms
- Import - don't recognize empty date/time as error
- Formula - Filter with "AND" formula bracket formatting not correct
- Value of stack bar chart always needs to have property "val"
- Server returns empty custom dashlets without content
- Report - Map - Indicator format does not changes on the Geo Map
- Report, table - Tables with two dates have illogical data displayed
- Filters - Adding new filters popup is messed up if more filters are added
- Report, table - Using limit along with custom member messes up the table layout
- Grammar Error in installer initializer
- Sample data - Some views are not displayed correctly
- Chart settings dialog mixes up x and y axis when setting two drill-downs
- Data Set - GEO - Preview doesn't take in consideration long/latd decimal points
- Report, icons - Icons are messed up a bit
- Report - Date Aggregation - Missing drop down arrow in the selectbox
- Data Set - Import Settings - Exclamation Mark (!) in columns with type Translation
- Data Sets - sorting by last data change time doesn't work correctly with joins rebuild date
Content Tools