Release notes BellaDati
Release date: July 3, 2014
New features
Report, charts - "scroll Bar" mode
Report, Stack Bar Chart - add option to display indicators in the same bar
- Dashboards localization support
SQL data connector - add support for first/last value of certain attribute
Administration - allow manage domain parameters
Allow user to set default dashboard displayed after login
Report - Point Map - Add conditional formatting for Point Color
Report - Horizontal Bar Chart - add show values option
Report - improve appearance URL editor
Data Sets top menu page visible to Report Editor role
Data Set - Import data to existing data set mapping rule improvement
REST API - Add language parameter to chart/KPI/table API
Data Set - Add pre-defined date format dd/MMM/yyyy
Data Import - Add pre-defined date time format [dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss Z]
Re-design public layout pages
Data sources - improve displaying last import executions
Administration - don't allow set other roles for user with domain admin role
Bug fixes
User with domain admin role only doesn't see the data sets menu
Domain admin should have rw access to all data sets, reports and dashboards of the domain
Domain Admin role should have data manager and report editor roles by default
Google Drive Connector - Import Exception
Installer says it's starting the server after upgrade even if the server isn't actually started
Bulk sharing - Wrong label
Administration - cannot search on users page
Google spreadsheet import hangs before sheet selection
Report, Indicator groups - New indicator group shown twice
REST API - Server returns 500 error when getting comments
Administration, permissions - Domain admin (only) cannot share other user's report
Data set, import settings - Columns settings size is small
Shared data set links in search are shown for users without data manager role
Data set, indicators - Hidden indicator can be added in report
Search - Dashboards are not displayed in the result
Report, filters - Cannot change filter
Administration, permissions - Domain admin cannot create BellaApp
Administration, permissions - Domain admin cannot create data set
Report, charts - Only two members are shown on a chart with more indicators dislayed in a single chart with date interval by days
Report, charts - Displaying total value in a chart shows "Check the configuration" error
Dashboards - Dashboard is export empty into PPT
Filter - caption contains redundant brackets and operations without values
Data Set - bulk delete should not be available in read-only access
XML backup import - Cannot change name of the data set
Filter - root expressions are not evaluated with AND condition
Report - Conditional formatting percentage symbol is displayed after the formatted indicator value
Importing from URL doesn't show additional popup for selecting XML rows, XLS spreadsheets and ZIP file content
Report, Conditional Formatting - LT and GT is displayed as EQ
Grammatical error - "has been" instead of "have been"