This object provides read access to data from DataSet
List<Row> readDataset(Integer id) | Returns list of rows from dataset id |
List<Row> readDataset(Integer id, int limit) | Returns list of rows from dataset id , where count of value is limit |
List<Row> readDataset(Integer id, int limit, Filter filter) | Returns list of rows from dataset id , where count of value is limit, filtered by filter |
List<Row> readDataset(Integer id, int limit, contextFilter()) | Returns list of rows from dataset id , where count of value is limit, filtered with set filter in report |
List<Row> readDataset(Integer id, int limit, Filter filter, Sort sort) | Returns list of rows from dataset id , where count of value is limit, filtered by filter, sorted by belladatiSortObject e.g. def rows = readDataset(123, 1, filter, com.belladati.common.sort.Sort.descending('row_uid')) |
List<Row> readDataset(String datasetCode) | Returns list of rows from dataset code |
List<Row> readDataset(String datasetCode, int limit) | Returns list of rows from dataset code, where count of value is limit |
List<Row> readDataset(String datasetCode, int limit, Filter filter) | Returns list of rows from dataset code, where count of value is limit, filtered by filter |
List<Row> readDataset(String id, int limit, IFilter contextFilter) | Returns list of rows from dataset id , where count of value is limit, filtered with set filter in report |
List<Row> readDataset(String datasetCode, int limit, Filter filter, Sort sort) | Returns list of rows from dataset idcode, where count of value is limit, filtered by filter, sorted by belladatiSortObject e.g. def rows = readDataset(123, 1, filter, com.belladati.common.sort.Sort.descending('row_uid')) |
Void readDataset(Integer id, Closure<Object> closure) | You can pass Closure to readDataset readDataset(123, filter) { } |
Void readDataset(Integer id, int limit, Closure<Object> closure) | You can pass Closure to readDataset readDataset(123, -1) {row.getValues()['L_NAME']} |
Void readDataset(Integer id, int limit, Filter filter, Closure<Object> closure) | You can pass Closure to readDataset readDataset(123, -1, filter) {row.getValues()['L_NAME']} |
Void readDataset(Integer id, int limit, Filter filter, Sort sort, Closure<Object> closure) | You can pass Closure to readDataset readDataset(123, -1, filter,ascSort('L_ATT')) {row.getValues()['L_NAME']} |
def conf.interval = contextFilter().filterValues[0]?.values[0] | Returns selected filter value |
This object returns sort ordering
Sort ascSort(final String column) | Returns ascending sorting according to column |
Sort descSort(final String column) | Returns descending sorting according to column |
This function returns value of column from row
String row.getValues()[String column] | getValues function returns value of a row from selected column |
This object provide write and update access to DataSet
void storeDataset(Integer datasetId, List<Map<String, Object>> rows) | Stores List of Maps that contains <columnCode,value> into dataset datasetId [['L_ID':'A','M_VAL':5],['L_ID':'B','M_VAL':9]] |
void storeDataset(String datasetCode, List<Map<String, Object>> rows) | Stores List of Maps that contains <columnCode,value> into dataset datasetCode [['L_ID':'A','M_VAL':5],['L_ID':'B','M_VAL':9]] |
This object provide update to DataSet
void updateDataset(Integer datasetId, List<Map<String, Object>> rows, List<String> column) | Updates list of Maps that contains <columnCode,value> into dataset datasetId where column value matches inserted value [['L_ID':'A','M_VAL':5],['L_ID':'B','M_VAL':9]] |
void updateDataset(String datasetCode, List<Map<String, Object>> rows, List <String> columns) | Update list of Maps that contains <columnCode,value> into dataset datasetCode where column value matches inserted value [['L_ID':'A','M_VAL':5],['L_ID':'B','M_VAL':9]] |
This function deletes data from dataset according to specified filter. When filter is null, it will erase all data from dataset
Void deleteData(Integer id, Filter filter) | Deletes data from dataset's id according to specified filter |
Void deleteData(String code, Filter filter) | Deletes data from dataset's code according to specified filter |
This object provide possibility to create new user.
Response createUser(JSONObject data) | Creates new user from JSONObject user and returns its id |
This object provide possibility to create new user.
Response downloadFile(Integer id) | Returns file from mediaGalery when id is provided |
Response downloadFile(Integer id, String desiredFileName) | Returns renamed file from mediaGalery according to desiredFileName when id is provided |
other functions
public static Object executeMlProjectWithResult(Integer projectId, Map<String, Object> variables) | Executes ML project and waits for it returns value |
void importJson(String code, File file) | Import data from defined file to dataset. See how to define file here See example of whole code def i = [overwrite:[policy:"DELETE_BY_MEMBERS",attributes:['L_TIME'],"attributesAll": false],columns:[[code:'L_DATE',format:'yyyy-MM-dd'],[code:'L_VALUE']],data:[['2024-07-01','TODAY'],['2024-06-30','YESTERDAY']]] def js = JSON.mapToJSONString(i,false) importJson('DATE_AND_VALUE', js) return Response.ok().build() |