Drill-through via attribute members

BellaDati allows you to mask attribute's member with custom URLs. This feature is useful to:

  • create Drill-throughs - redirection from master report to detailed one based on clicked member.
  • redirect to other report or resources.

Masking members

  1. Open drill-down settings
    1. In tables: Go to Table settings and click on existing attribute or select Add drill-down path.
    2. In charts: Go to Chart settings and click on Drill down path. In charts with a drill-down on the X/Y axis, click Advanced settings.
    3. In maps: Go to Map settings, click Drill-down and map properties.
  2. Check Show as URL link
  3. Define custom URL
  4. For maps and tables, users can also enable the option "Open in same tab".
  5. Apply link to the row will convert whole unique row to a hypertext link. This must be applied, to most right attribute.
  • In the URL, you can refer to the current drill-down value using ${}.
  • To refer to other drill-down attribute values, use ${L_ATTRIBUTE_CODE}.
  • When the current drill-down values or attribute values contain special characters, such as  /, ? or =, it is necessary to decode the URL by using ${decode(${})} or ${decode(${L_ATTRIBUTE_CODE})}.
  • It is also possible to reference an attribute member which is not present in the view by using $firstValue(L_ATTRIBUTE_CODE) or $lastValue(L_ATTRIBUTE_CODE).
  • You can create report links using ${reportLink(report_id)} or report:ID
  • You can access only specific view using viewreport:ID

Drill-through via indicator

BellaDati allows you to mask indicators with custom URLs. This feature is useful to:

  • create Drill-throughs - redirection from master report to detailed one based on clicked indicator.
  • redirect to other report or resources.

Masking members

  1. Go to indicator settings
  2. Select tab Advanced settings
  3. Check Show as URL link
  4. Define custom URL

  • You can create report links using ${reportLink(report_id)}
  • To refer to current indicator, use  ${indicatorCode}

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