This function is also known as alarms. Data watching function allows to monitor actual data in the data set and launch alerts when the values fulfil predefined conditions.
One data set can contain more alarms.
Alarm parameters:
- Alert Name
- Date attribute: Data will be monitored by this date attribute.
- Date interval: Data for this period are aggregated and checked against the condition.
- Alert conditions: Alarm condition.
- Indicator and it's aggregation.
- Condition: equal, lower, greater, decrease , increase.
- Value: Comparison to this absolute value.
- Send e-mail: When alert is launched, user will be also notified by e-mail. By standard, user is notified in alert actions list or via recent changes dashlet on dashboard.
- Check on data change: Alert will be checked on every data change.
Following actions are available in alarms list:
- Check now: Allows user to execute condition checking for the particular alarm manually.
- Filter: Set values of the attributes and indicators which will be monitored.
- Settings: Allows user to change alarm settings.
- Delete: Completely removes alarm from data set.
- Deactivate watching: Condition checking and alerts will be disabled when the alarm is suspended.
- Activate watching: Changes suspended alarm to active state - condition checking will be restored.
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