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  • This line was added.
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Sv translation

Custom member allows you to add your own nodes into drill down paths. You can add Custom member from Data set's Attribute page after clicking on Custom members icon in column Action.

Custom member dialog allows you to:

  • Specify Name of the custom member.
  • Select Level for a custom member.

Every new custom member requires additional definition (unless it is left empty). Custom member definition dialog allows you to determine:

  • Attribute values from particular levels which will be aggregated into custom member.
  • Custom member alias (see below)
  • Formula definition (see below)

You can also easily switch to another attribute by using the drop-down menu at the top.

Deleting custom member

You can delete created nodes in  Custom member  dialog.

Custom member alias


The custom member alias can used in subsets and report tables only!

Custom member alias can be set from the custom member definition dialog.

Custom member alias allows you to work with custom members in formula indicators in report. The alias will can be retrieved with function  memberValue().


memberValue() and memberValue('L_ATTRIBUTE') return different values.

  • for non-empty custom members, memberValue() will return the alias, memberValue('L_ATTRIBUTE') will return the array with members of the custom member.
  • if the attribute in memberValue('L_ATTRIBUTE') is not used in the custom member/table, it will return the alias for empty custom members

Formula definition


The formula definition can used in subsets and report tables only!

This function is used to define a custom formula, which will be used to calculate the value of a custom member in a table.

This calculation will override the value of the indicator, which is used in the table. 

It is possible to use function value() in the custom member formula to get the value of the indicator and make additional calculations with it in the custom member formula.

The result:

Following flow is used when calculating the value:


Filters are applied to the value (total) which is then used in the formula

Conditional formatting is always applied to the displayed value

Next Steps

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Vlastné hodnoty atribútu Vám umožnia pridávať vlastné uzly do preddefinovaných vetvení. Vlastnú hodnotu môžete vytvoriť na stránke "Atribúty" po kliknutí na vlastné hodnoty atribútu v stĺpci "Operácie".

Nasledujúce okno Vlastnejhodnoty atribútu vám umožňuje:

  • Zadať názov vlastnej hodnoty
  • Vybrať úroveň, na ktorej sa bude zobrazovať

Každý nový uzol potrebuje dodatočnú definíciu. Okno "definícia vlastných hodnôt" Vám umožní určiť hodnoty atribút z vybraných úrovní, ktoré budú agregované do vlastnej hodnoty atribútu.



Vytvorené uzly môžete vymazať v okne Vlastné hodnoty atribútu.

Kam ďalej

Sv translation



  • カスタムメンバーの名前の指定
  • カスタムメンバーのレベルの選択






Sv translation

Mit dem benutzerdefinierten Elemente können Sie eigene Drilldown-Pfade hinzufügen. Sie können ein benutzerdefiniertes Wert auf der Attributseite des Datasets hinzufügen, nachdem Sie in der Spalte Aktion auf das Symbol Benutzerdefinierte Elemente geklickt haben.

Benutzerdefiniertes Wertedialogfeld ermöglicht Ihnen Folgendes:

  • Geben Sie den Namen des benutzerdefinierten Werts an.
  • Wählen Sie für ein benutzerdefiniertes Wert den Level aus.

Jeder neue Knoten erfordert eine zusätzliche Definition. Mit dem benutzerdefinierten Elementdefinitionsdialogfeld können Sie Attributwerte von bestimmten Ebenen ermitteln, die in benutzerdefinierten Werten zusammengefasst werden.



 Sie können erstellte Knoten im Dialogfeld Benutzerdefiniertes Wert löschen.

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