
List user groups for domain specified by domain ID.

This resource is available only for Global admin or Domain admin.

Resource Information

Request Parameters

domain_idDomain identifier123

Response Structure

JSON response contains array "userGroups" that contains multiple user group objects with following definition:

idUser Group identifier
nameUser Group name
descriptionUser Group description

Sample Request / Response

Using curl:

curl -H "Authorization: OAuth realm=\"https://service.belladati.com/\", oauth_consumer_key=\"myConsumer\", oauth_token=\"mh7an9dkrg59\", oauth_timestamp=\"135131231\", oauth_nonce=\"randomString\"" https://service.belladati.com/api/domains/123/userGroups

The JSON format response:

  "userGroups": [
      "id": "56",
      "name": "My User Group nr.1",
      "description": null
      "id": "345",
      "name": "My User Group nr.2",
      "description": "This is description"
  • No labels