These instructions will help you connect BellaDati to a PostgreSQL 8.4+ database.

1. Before You Begin

Are You Migrating BellaDati to Another Server?

If you are migrating BellaDati to another server, create an export of your data as an XML backup. You will then be able to transfer data from your old database to your new database.

On this page:

2. Create and Configure the PostgreSQL Database

  1. Create a database user which BellaDati will connect as (e.g. belladati_dbuser). (tick) Remember this database user name, as it will be used to configure BellaDati's connection to this database in subsequent steps. Do not forget to configure theĀ pg_hba.conf file, which controls the database access.

    $ createuser -SDRP belladati_dbuser 

  2. Create a database for BellaDati to be used as data warehouse (e.g. belladati_db) with Unicode collation.

    Or from the command-line:

    $ createdb -E UNICODE -O belladati_dbuser belladati_db
  3. Ensure that the user has permissions to connect to the database, and to create and write to tables in the database.

Remember this database name, as it will be used to configure BellaDati's connection to this database in subsequent steps.

3. Copy the PostgreSQL JDBC Driver to Your Application Server (BellaDati WAR Only)

(warning) Skip this step if you are using BellaDati virtual applicance distribution. BellaDati virtual appliance includes the PostgreSQL JDBC driver.

  1. Download the PostgreSQL JDBC driver from (Obtain version 9.0 of the JDBC 4 driver.)
  2. Add the PostgreSQL JDBC driver jar to the lib/ directory of your application server.

4. Next steps

Continue configuring BellaDati WAR for your application server as described on: