The BellaDati Java SDK is an easy-to-use implementation to access the REST API using Java. All data is made available in Java objects, eliminating the need to manually parse and interpret JSON responses from the server.

Setting up the SDK

The SDK consists of two parts:

When using the SDK, the versions of both jars need to match. Currently, BellaDati provides two SDK implementations, for use in a regular Java VM environment and for use with Android.


Dependencies for the SDK depend on the implementation you are planning to use:

Regular Java VM


Server Setup

In order to access data from BellaDati, you need to enable API access in your domain. To do so, open your domain settings and click Configure under OAuth Settings.

In this dialog, enter a consumer key and consumer secret. These will be used during authentication in the SDK. You can optionally set a callback URL that will be opened when a user successfully authorizes an OAuth request - more on that in the example below. Finally, if your application environment doesn't allow using a web browser for authentication, you can enable xAuth to authenticate with username and password from within your client application.

Usage Example