BellaDati supports visualizing data in geo maps using two possibilities:

Click "Map charts geodata" in Data set menu to manage GEO points and regions.


Only users with data manager role can manage GEO points and regions. See BellaDati permissions and roles for details.

Available actions:

GEO Points

Each GEO point is defined by its latitude and longitude coordinantes. You have to define associated drill-down values to match drill-down members in the report view. You can associate more drill-down values to single GEO point definition. Upper and lower case are distinguished (eg. New York, new york, NY are different values).

Following parameters are manageable for GEO points:


GEO Regions

Each GEO region is defined by three or usually more points specified by latitude and longitude coordinantes. Standardized GeoJSON format is supported to simplify importing these definitions. You have to define associated drill-down values to match drill-down members in the report view. You can associate more drill-down values to single GEO region definition. Upper and lower case are distinguished (eg. Canada, canada, CAN are different values).

Following parameters are manageable for GEO regions:


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