Data set sharing functions are only available for the owners of the particular report.

Report sharing functions allows you to perform following actions:

When you are setting up report sharing for individual users or user groups, please distinguish following two access levels:

Users with full access can manage the report in the same way as it's owner except sharing settings or complete removal.


Bulk sharing of the reports

BellaDati also allows you to share multiple reports with users and user groups.

You can find sharing console under bulk operations in Reports list. To share multiple reports:

  1. Click Bulk change in upper right corner
  2. Select desired reports to share
  3. Click button Share
  4. Select users and userg groups who will have access to chosen reports

Sharing report groups

BellaDati also allows you to create report groups which can simply used for sharing of the reports with users or user groups.

Only report owner is allowed to add report to the report groups.

Point to the Reports in main menu on the top of the screen and click "Report groups item which will appear.

  1. Enter a name of the user group and click on button Add.
  2. Click on Group Name and choose which report will be added to the report group.
  3. Click on Users sign to set the users or user groups who will the report group be shared with.

Next Steps