BellaDati Client API is a statefull HTTP based API available directly from the web browser. This API is dedicated for Javascript usage.

You can use the BellaDati Client API to extend BellaDati front-end functions or create various UI components. The most common use-cases are:

  • designing and implementing own menu structure and user controls inside report or dashboard
  • creating customised messaging and chatting functions
  • accessing detailed information about users, reports and dashboards


Out-of-the-box GUI (Report Screen without coding no Client API used)Client API applied (Report Screen with custom menus etc.)

How to start

Activate Development console in your favourite web-browser using following steps.



Hello World - Getting signed user

Log-in into BellaDati. Into the activated development console write following script:

  url: "",
  success: function(reply) { 
  xhrFields: {
      withCredentials: true

As a result, the current user's username will be displayed in the console.