Report filters are used to modify the content of the whole report. Multiple filters can be displayed in the sidebar or directly in the report as a special type of view. Each filter can have different functionality and appearance.

Creating Filters

Only report author or report editor can create report filters and set their default values. Every other user that has access to the report, can only change report filter values.

To create a new filter, open the Variables sidebar.

You can use 2 approaches when creating filters:

Creating filter component

  1. Click on Edit button to enter Variables dialog.
  2. Select which type of component you would like to create. To create a filter component, select Filter. 
  3. Optionally, change the identifier.
  4. Click on Add.
  5. Select which type attribute to use for filtering
  6. Select the condition (ContainsDoesn't contain, Greater than, Greater than or equal to, Lower than, Lower than or equal to)
  7. Optionally, select default value. See below.
  8. Optionally, edit the Advanced settings to change the appearance and functionality of the filter. See below.
  9. Save the filter.

Setting default value

To set one or more default values, click on Default values and select values which should be used as default. These values will be preselected when the user opens the report for the first time or when the user resets the filters.

Defining the default values via formula

Available since BellaDati 2.9.11.

It is possible to dynamically calculate the default value. Expected return type is Array or single value, e.g.: [ 'abc', 'def' ] or 'abc'.


def array = []
array << 'East'
array << 'South'

Setting default value for date attribute

For date attributes, it is possible to configure the date value as day, week, month, quarter or year.

Using relative dates

By enabling the option Use relative dates, the users can set the default value dynamically by using relative dates. Following relative dates are available:

Relative dateActual value
nowCurrent day
actualDayCurrent day


Current week (first day of week)

For example, actualWeek selected on 21.9.2010 represents date 20.9.2010 (Monday of this week in calendar)


Current month (first day of month)

For example, actualMonth selected in 21.9.2010 represents date 1.9.2010


Current quarter (first day of quarter)

For example, actualQuarter selected on 21.9.2010 represents date 1.7.2010


Current year (1st January of current year)

For example, actualYear selected on 21.9.2010 represents date 1.1.2010

availableFrom, availableTo

Represents the first and last available date entry

Relative and absolute date can be adjusted by operators using this syntax: date +|- n[d|w|m|q|y], where n is integer, d represents day, w represents week, m represents month q represents quarter and y represents year. We can for example define time in this way:  actualyear + 2m -4d. Today is 21.9.2010, so this value represents 1.1.2010 + 2 months - 4 days, which means date 25.2.2010.


Advanced settings

Basic settings

Basic settings allow you to change filter Name, Code, and Description.

Available since BellaDati 2.9.19

It is possible to manage if the filters are mandatory to have values to display the data. If the option Required is on, no data will be displayed in the reports till the filter value is NULL. This will be highlighted with red color filter name. Name of filter will be postfixed with * sign.


Additional filters

Section Additional filters allows you to create multi structure filters - if user selects one option in top level filter, additional filter will display only values which are available (associated) with previously selected value. You can continue to section dedicated to Additional filters.

Additional filters can be also displayed in Discovery mode - associations between selected attribute members are marked directly in filters.

Reordering filters


Available since BellaDati 2.9.11.

Users can change the order of filters by clicking on the small arrows next to the edit icon.


Selected values can be reseted by clicking on the button Reset. This will reset all filters in the report.

Since BellaDati 2.9.11, it is also possible to reset individual filters by clicking on reset icon next to the filter name.