
There are 2 or 3 servers available for BellaDati installation. The hardware configuration of all servers follows BellaDati system requirements. All servers are running Windows OS.

BellaDati is installed on server No1, Server No2 will be used as an additional cluster node server. PostgreSQL database engine is installed on one of the servers or on a server No3. 


Server No1:  IP	names: belladati-main, EC2AMAZ-MF3ICV0
Server No2:  IP	names: node1, EC2AMAZ-CJSA0TO
Server No3: not used in this example, the Database is installed locally with the BellaDati instance
All servers are in internal private network.

The installation process consists of five blocks:

1. Preparation of the Environment

 Control Panel > User Accounts > Manage Accounts

Control Panel > System and Security > System > Advanced system setting > Environment Variables > System Variables > Path

It is recommended to use the same version of Java on all servers in the cluster environment

The hosts file is located at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts node1 node1 EC2AMAZ-CJSA0TO belladati-main EC2AMAZ-MF3ICV0

Go to Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Firewall > Advanced settings > Inbound Rules

If you are in an internal network, enable "All traffic".

Check / Edit files pg_hba and postgresql to enabled connection from both nodes:

  • pg_hba: connections from both servers to the BellaDati database need to be enabled
host     all            all                  md5
Note: because we are in the internal network, we have allowed access to all databases for all users from all IPs
  • postgresql: listen_addresses - define IP addresses to listen on
listen_addresses = '*'


It is recommended to test the connection to the BellaDati database (belladati_db) from both nodes.

  • the Application Properties are set up via file which is located at path_to_your_BellaDati_instance\domains\domain1\applications\belladati\WEB-INF\classes\conf\
  • in case there are 2 servers in the cluster (e.g. belladati-main & node1), add the following code to file:

Note: servers can be identified by name or IP

2. Configuration of SSH Communication


SSH communication on Windows is configured via the Cygwin tool.
  1. Download the Cygwin installer (setup-x86_64.exe) to both servers (Install from Internet > All users > Local package directory > Select packages (Select Net/openssh/8.Op1-2))
  2. Run the Cygwin 64 Terminal as Administrator (Cygwin64 terminal icon should be displayed on the Desktop)
  3.  Configure Cygwin hosts

    1. Use command ssh-host-config
    2. //Should StrictModes be used: yes
    3. //Do you want to install sshd as a service: yes
  4. Start the Cygwin service

     User command net start cygsshd start
  5. Test the Cygwin status (test for all nodes in the cluster)

    $ cygrunsrv --query cygsshd
    Service             : cygsshd
    Display name        : CYGWIN cygsshd
    Current State       : Running
    Controls Accepted   : Stop
    Command             : /usr/sbin/sshd -D
  6. Add Cygwin path to the Environment Variables

    Control Panel > System and Security > System > Advanced System Settings > tab Advanced > Environment variables > System variables - Path > Edit environment variable > New: C:\cygwin64\bin > OK

  7. Test SSH connection from Windows command line (example use windows user account "glassfish/password" )


    C:\Users\glassfish>ssh -l glassfish belladati-main

    glassfish@belladati-main's password:

    glassfish@EC2AMAZ-MF3ICV0 ~            user glassfish  can operate on node1 server via ssh communication


    C:\Users\glassfish>ssh -l glassfish node1

    glassfish@node1's password:

    glassfish@EC2AMAZ-CJSA0TO ~            user glassfish is ssh connected from node1 to belladati-main and can use the server

  8. Test Java commands from Windows command line

    Use  the following commands:

    - belladati-main: ssh node1 'java -version' , ssh node1 'jar'

    - node1: ssh belladati-main 'java -version', ssh belladati-main 'jar'

    C:\Users\glassfish>ssh node1 'java -version'
    glassfish@node1's password:
    java version "1.8.0_201"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_201-b09)
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.201-b09, mixed mode)
  9. Make installation directory on node1 (Cygwin Terminal)

    glassfish@EC2AMAZ-CJSA0TO ~
    $ pwd
    glassfish@EC2AMAZ-CJSA0TO ~
    $ mkdir /home/glassfish/glassfish
    $ ls
    C:   glassfish
    cd glassfish
    glassfish@EC2AMAZ-CJSA0TO ~/glassfish
  10. Both cluster servers are now ready for the two node cluster installation


3. Cluster Installation

Server:  belladati-main. Windows command prompt. User: glassfish.

Tool : asadmin (GlassfFish server administration). 

  1. Verify that asadmin is configured on belladati-main server

    C:\Users\glassfish> asadmin  version
    RESPONSE: Version = GlassFish Server Open Source Edition  5.0.1  (build 5)
  2. Create password alias

    C:\Users\glassfish\asadmin    create-password-alias    password
    The password is the name of the alias, the password itself is the user glassfish password
    Use notepad create text file C:\Users\glassfish\password.txt with one line:
    C:\Users\glassfish\asadmin list-password-aliases       lists the aliases
  3. Create node
    1. Create SSH node named "node1" on the server node1

      C:\Users\glassfish\asadmin  create-node-ssh
                                  --nodehost node1  --installdir /home/glassfish/glassfish --install=true
                                  --sshuser glassfish --passwordfile c:\Users\glassfish\password.txt        node1
    2. Test node1 visibility

      C:\Users\glassfish\asadmin list-nodes-ssh                  
      RESPONSE: node1 SSH node1
      C:\Users\glassfish\asadmin  ping-node-ssh node1
      RESPONSE: Successfully made SSH connection to node node1(node1)
  4. Create cluster

    C:\Users\glassfish\asadmin create-cluster  belladati-cluster  
  5. Create an instance named instance-node1

    C:\Users\glassfish\asadmin create-instance 
                       --node node1 --cluster belladati-cluster     instance-node1
    Port associated to the newly created JVM instance: 26666,28080,24848,28686,23700,29009,23820,23920,28181
    To test instance visibility:  C:\Users\glassfish\asadmin list-instances  belladati-cluster   
  6. Create the second instance of the cluster

    C:\Users\glassfish\asadmin create-local-instance --cluster belladati-cluster instance-local-node
    To test instances visibility  C:\Users\glassfish\asadmin  list-instances  belladati-cluster     

4. Cluster Setup & Start

Parameters of the Cluster can be accessed via Admin Console of Domain Admin Server (Configurations/default-config and Configurations/belladati-cluster-config)

Preparation of the environment for cluster:

  1. Create resource references (Database)

    C:\Users\glassfish\asadmin create-resource-ref --target belladati-cluster jdbc/belladati_db
    Check the resource references: ...\asadmin list-resource-refs belladati-cluster
  2. Create application references (BellaDati application)

    C:\Users\glassfish\asadmin create-application-ref --target belladati-cluster belladati
    Check the application references: ...\asadmin list-application-refs belladati-cluster
  3. Modify JVM parameters (-Xmx (heap space size)

    The heap space size should be configured according to the BellaDati recommendation. See the Recommended JVM Options.

    1. List JVM Options
    C:\Users\glassfish\asadmin list-jvm-options --target belladati-cluster
    2. Delete the default -Xmx value
    C:\Users\glassfish\asadmin delete-jvm-options --target belladati-cluster -Xmx.....
    3. Create a new -Xmx value (e.g. -Xmx5120m (5120 MB))
    C:\Users\glassfish\asadmin create-jvm-options --target belladati-cluster -XmxNNNNNew
  4. Modify thread pools settings (http-thread-pool & http-thread-pool-1)
    1. List names of BellaDati Cluster configuration

      C:\Users\glassfish\asadmin list-configs belladati-cluster
    2. List thread pools

      C:\Users\glassfish>asadmin list belladati-cluster-config.thread-pools.*
    3. Get information about pools parameters

      C:\Users\glassfish>asadmin get belladati-cluster-config.thread-pools.thread-pool.thread-pool-1*
    4. Set max thread pool size

      See the recommended thread pool size values in the documentation for Installing BellaDati on Payara.

      C:\Users\glassfish>asadmin set belladati-cluster-config.thread-pools.thread-pool.http-thread-pool.max-thread-pool-size=512
      C:\Users\glassfish>asadmin set belladati-cluster-config.thread-pools.thread-pool.thread-pool-1.max-thread-pool-size=512
  5. Restart Application Server

    C:\Users\glassfish\asadmin restart-domain
  6. Start Cluster

    C:\Users\glassfish>asadmin start-cluster --verbose belladati-cluster
    start-instance instance-node1
    start-instance instance-local-node
    Note: make sure that all the commands are executed successfully, cluster and all instances are running. Following commands can be used:
    Checking cluster status:
    C:\Users\glassfish>asadmin list-clusters
    Checking status of instances:
    C:\Users\glassfish>asadmin list-instances belladati-cluster

5. BellaDati Application Settings

You can now login to BellaDati running on both servers. Use a new port for accessing your BellaDati instance: e.g. localhost:28080/login instead of localhost:8080/login

Cluster settings require a dedicated license key which needs to be applied on both nodes. Contact BellaDati support for obtaining a license key with this option enabled.

Monitoring servers in the cluster can be done via a dedicated BellaDati screen Cluster:

e.g. localhost:28080/cluster

Accessing the Cluster screen via the BellaDati Administration: Administration > Monitoring > Cluster (all nodes in the cluster are displayed)