
Edits the subset for given data set ID and attribute code.

Resource Information

Resource URL


HTTP Method


Request Parameters

idData Set identifier. You can find the ID in the response to /api/dataSets.123
codeAttribute code. You can find the code in the response to /api/dataSets/:id.L_STATE
sidID of the subset3Du7JBrCfO

Form contents to submit in following JSON format:

name(Mandatory) name of the subset


An array of subset values. Each subset value has the following definition:

member/customMemberIdThe name of a member or the ID of a custom member
negativeValue(Optional) Boolean parameter defining if a negative value should be used when calculating the value of the parent in a nested subset.
drillDownDisabled(Optional) Boolean parameter defining if the drill-down functionality is enabled or disabled in a nested subset.

(Optional) An array of subset values which are children of this subset value

Example of an empty subset:

{"name":"Subset 1"}

Example of a subset with structure:

"subsetValues":[{"member":"test", "children":[
{"member":"Virginia", "negativeValue":"true", drillDownDisabled:"true"}
, {"member":"Texas"}]},{"member":"Coffee"},{"customMemberId":"jjLxqv2nKt" }]

Response Structure

JSON response contains an object with the following definition:

namename of the subsets
idid of the subset

array of subset values. Each subset value has following definition:

idID of the subset value
valueThe value can be an attribute member or custom member
negativeValueBoolean parameter defining if a negative value should be used when calculating the value of parent in a nested subset.
drillDownDisabledBoolean parameter defining if the drill-down functionality is enabled or disabled in a nested subset.


An array of subset values which are children of this subset value

Sample Request / Response

Using curl:

curl -H "Authorization: OAuth realm=\"https://service.belladati.com/\", oauth_consumer_key=\"myConsumer\", oauth_token=\"mh7an9dkrg59\", oauth_timestamp=\"135131231\", oauth_nonce=\"randomString\"" -d "data={\"name\": \"Subset 1 renamed\"}" https://service.belladati.com/api/dataSets/5745/attributes/L_PRODUCT_TYPE/subsets/3Du7JBrCfO

The JSON format response:

    "subsetValues": [],