This page will show you step by step how to install BellaDati on 64-bit Linux using BellaDati linux installer. The description uses an example with BellaDati  2.9.20 version but the process is the same for  BellaDati 2.10+ versions running over Payara a.s. with java 11.


BellaDati platform is complex of

  1. Java application BellaDati (java 8, starting BellaDati version 2.10  java 11)
  2. Aplication server (GlassFish server , Payara server (starting Belladati 2.10 version) )
  3. Database Engine (PostgreSQL 10,(PostgreSQL 12 starting BellaDati 2.10) , MSSQL)

The BellaDati linux installer file delivers / installs JRE (java run time environment ), Application server and BellaDati Java application belladati.war .  Unlike of windows installer it does not contain any SQL database engine data. The SQL engine is required to install before the script is applied.


BellaDati 2.10   java  version 

openjdk version "11.0.2" 2019-01-15
OpenJDK Runtime Environment 18.9 (build 11.0.2+9)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 18.9 (build 11.0.2+9, mixed mode)

BellaDati 2.10  application server  

Version = Payara Server  5.2021.4 #badassfish (build 740)

or ( higher BellaDati releases )

Version = Payara Server  5.2022.5 #badassfish (build 492)

Before You Begin

Please read the following important notes before you begin installing BellaDati:


 take into account Operating System requirements  too 

 minimal hw is 4 vCPU, 8 GB ram and 30 GB storage

 it is recommended to use 8 vCPU ,16 GB ram and 50 GB storage if not only BellaDati but also PostgtreSQL  engine and IoT controller are intended to share the same server

 ( the base heapspace requirements for IoT is 4 GB, PostgreSQL also require several GB ram to use)

 e.g.    ( installation on Ubuntu  )

 PostgreSQL 12 is recommended for BellaDati 2.10+

            e.g. for PostgreSQL most important  are pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf files

            remember host identification (IP, DNS), dbs engine port ,  database name, username, password

            port for Database engine is required as well ( e.g. 5432)

on pc with internet:

sudo su
yum update

yum install yum-utils

mkdir bzip2
cd bzip2
yumdownloader --resolve bzip2
cd ..

mkdir libpng
cd libpng
yumdownloader --resolve libpng

mkdir zlib
cd zlib
yumdownloader --resolve zlib
cd ..

mkdir libicu
cd libicu
yumdownloader --resolve libicu
cd ..

mkdir pg12 cd pg12 yumdownloader --resolve postgresql12 cd .. mkdir freetype cd freetype yumdownloader --resolve freetype
curl --output freetype2-2.8.1-1.aix5.1.ppc.rpm cd .. get belladati installer move data to PC without internet ON PC without internet edit and set enabled=0
/etc/yum/pluginconf.d/subscription-manager.conf (I used vi, insert to edit, :wq to write and quit) go to each folder and execute this command. Do freetype last sudo yum --disablerepo=* localinstall *.rpm for freetype2 use this command rpm -Uvh freetype2-2.8.1-1.aix5.1.ppc.rpm

before installing pg12 try the first command with disabling module, if timeouted, continue with other commands
sudo dnf -qy module disable postgresql
sudo yum --disablerepo=* localinstall postgresql12-libs-12.16-1PGDG.rhel8.x86_64.rpm
sudo yum --disablerepo=* localinstall postgresql12-12.16-1PGDG.rhel8.x86_64.rpm
sudo yum --disablerepo=* localinstall postgresql12-server-12.16-1PGDG.rhel8.x86_64.rpm

initiate db and activate db

sudo /usr/pgsql-12/bin/postgresql-12-setup initdb
sudo systemctl enable postgresql-12
sudo systemctl start postgresql-12

To run installer (root):

1. Starting & checking host parameters

The script will check your machine against the minimal system requirements.

Upgrade to a higher-performance machine in case your configuration does not meet the criteria, to avoid experiencing a decreased performance of BellaDati.

Start installation : ./

example:  the machine does not meet minimal requirements and it is recommended to change computer configuration :

The host machine configuration has been changed and the installation process started again;   

2. License Terms

The new machine meets minimal requirements.

Start installation and read and Accept the license agreement.

Continue up to license agreement acceptation.

3. Select Destination Directory

License agreement is accepted and process continue to installation directory selection :

By default, BellaDati is installed into a predefined installation directory. Insert  different folder if you want to modify these settings.

BellaDati installation script will check your free disk capacity to ensure enough space is available.

4. Database Setup

Linux installer does not install database for BellaDati, and therefore a PostgreSQL or MSSQL  database has to be installed and configured manually.

Please see our documentation for instructions how to accomplish this step.

This example uses running PostgreSQL dbs engine available on separate machine :

5. Connecting to an Existing Database

Specify the following connection parameters relating to running database engine/ database:

The installer process checks connectivity to the dbs environment...

6. Application Server Parameters

Continue and  set up parameters needed for application server.

Approve or edit the following default settings:

Port   host IP:port ;      Xmx  (-Xmx)     JavaVirtualMachine heap space size;  Maximum Pool Size (-Djdbc.pool.maxActive) maximum number of connections ;  

Please see our documentation for more details. Leave the default values if you are unsure about the configuration.

The parameters can be modified later after installation completed by tools available in application server GlassFish (or Payara used with  BellaDati 2.10... )

e.g. CL commands  asadmin...  or GUI application server console.

Check Start service automatically to have BellaDati up and running right after the installation.

7. Directory for Symlinks and final part of installation

Select additional options:

Continue and wait while BellaDati is installed on your computer

-installing BellaDati data & metadata into sql database ,  i.e. schemas, tables and initial data are implemented into SQL dbs template,

-installing application server (GlassFish or  Payara (with BellaDati 2.10+) ); parameters setting before are used and can be modified later

-deploying application file belladati.war

8. Finishing Installation

The installation is complete now.

It could take some time to start BellaDati for a first time. Then continue with the BellaDati Setup Wizard.

9. Troubleshooting

Next Steps