When upgrading from previous versions to IoT Controller 0.11 (and newer), it is necessary to drop the audit database or delete the HSQL folder in the installation directory.

Manual update

At this time, it is not possible to upgrade the IoT Controller using installers, only manual upgrade is possible.

Update procedure

  1. Download BellaDati IoT Controller JARs distribution from https://my.belladati.com
  2. Stop all current IoT Controller modules
  3. Unzip downloaded belladati-iot-Collector-jar-all-1.X.zip.
  4. Replace files iot-Collector-audit.jar, iot-Collector-generic-receiver.jar and iot-Collector-generic-sender.jar with the extracted ones.
  5. If replacing jar into older IoT installation, where scripts start-audit(receiver,sender) available,  check for -Xmx values (java heapspace). Add or modify it with suitable values.
  6. Start all IoT Controller modules

Automatic Remote update

This type of update is very useful in case, that you need update multiple(10,100 etc.) instances of Collector-audit/receiver/sender on multiple instances of operating systems/physical HW. But can be used also in small quantities.

Update procedure

Please follow the instructions at  Execute remote script