New user registration

Here is example of creating new user. This code validates, that userEmail is not already stored in DataSet and then creates it.


def body = JSON.fromJSONString(body)
userEmail = body.getString("email")

def filter = isEqualFilter(USER_EMAIL_COLUMN, userEmail)
def asset = readDataset(USERID_DS, 1, filter)

if (asset.size() == 0) {

    def user = new JSONObject()
    user.put("domain_id", USER_DOMAIN_ID)
    user.put("uiAccessDisabled", "true")
    user.put("requestPin", "true")

    user.put("firstName", frameNumber)
    user.put("lastName", frameNumber)
    user.put("username", userEmail)
    user.put("email", userEmail)
    user.put("locale", body.getString("locale"))

    def r1 = new JSONObject()
    r1.put("role", "DATA_ADMIN")
    def r2 = new JSONObject()
    r2.put("role", "SCHEMA_ADMIN")
    def roles = new JSONArray()
    user.put("roles", roles)

    def groups = new JSONArray()
    def g1 = new JSONObject()
    g1.put("id", USER_GROUP_ID)
    user.put("groups", groups)

    return createUser(user)

Firmware Download

Here is an example of code, that will download firmware file from Media Gallery. This code expect ID of file that should be downloaded

def fileId = request.getPath().split('/')
downloadFile(fileId.last() as Integer)

If you have stored your ID of newest firmware in DataSet, this code will provide newest firmware automatically.

def rows = readDataset(1118 , 1, null, com.belladati.common.sort.Sort.descending('row_uid'))
downloadFile(rows[0].getValues()['L_FILE_ID'] as Integer)

This code does not need to return only firmware, it can be any file Media Gallery contains.

Deleting data from data set

This code will delete records from the data set specified in the endpoint setting. Filtering condition is specified in the request.

def record_ds_id = 396 //ID of thee data set
def recordId = request.getParameters("id")[0] //get value from request parameter ID
def recordFilter = isEqualFilter('L_ID', recordId) //filter to load the record based on the ID specified in the request

def rows = readDataset(record_ds_id , 1, recordFilter, com.belladati.common.sort.Sort.descending('row_uid')) //load data from the specified data set based on the ID from the request
if (rows.size() == 0) {
  return Response.ok('does not exist').build()  //this response is returned in  case when the the data set does not contain any data for the specified filter
}else {
  deleteData(record_ds_id, recordFilter) //this function will delete data set records based on the specified filter
  return Response.ok('success').build()  