To access report Settings dialogue window, hover your mouse over button Edit and select option Settings.

Report settings dialogue window allows you to:

Refresh interval on data change parameter serves to set how often will be changes in the source data set checked. When change in source data is detected, report is automatically refreshed. Default value is set to 2 seconds.

Calculations result validity parameter is dedicated to speedup reports re-loading time. However data are being calculated in-memory and some of them are already cached on database subsystem layer, there is quite huge CPU overhead while computing formula.

Report View timeout interval parameter sets time in second until formula calculations are terminated. If formulas in views are not calculated in specified time, view will not be displayd. This can be used to not block other users during high load on servers.

Adaptive layout will switch to different layout style. View are not automatically aligned. Each view can have unique size. Usually Adaptive layout handles better in mobile devices and views are alligned bellow each other.

Sidebar width. When Adaptive layout is active and width is set, report will split into two parts. Right part is than retractibel using single button. This can be handy when not important views can be occasionally needed, but mostly they should be hidden.

There are several reasons why it is not used automatically everytime - each formula might contain some parameters evaluated in runtime (cross values, date/time modifiers etc), so we cannot cache just by the formula context (date/time/drilldown/filter) and formula definition itself. On the other hand, formula calculation cache automatically expires after desired period of time [s] or on the data or context change. Default value is set to 60 seconds.