The URL button type provides multiple options to use, this page provides examples of the available options:


The link defines the URL that will be requested when clicking the button. The following options can be used:

Link target

Specifies how the predefined link will be displayed, the following options are available:

Width x Height

Applied to the links displayed in the popup (Link target is Open in a popup or Dialog popup). Specified values define the popup window size in pixels.

Show buttons

When this option is enabled, the dialogue window will contain buttons Close and Save for work with the dialogue window.

The button Save is displayed only if the link contains view with the BellaDati form. Clicking the button Save will save this form.

Popup header

Defines dialog window header.

Display import flow

The import flow is used to allow users upload data to the data set directly from the reports without any knowledge of the BellaDati data set. The data can be either added or updated.

The Link for the specification of the import flow is defined in the following format: import:datasetID:templateID?text=Description of the import

dataSetID1ID of the data set to which the data will be imported
templateID11ID of the import template that will be used for the import
textSome textDescription text that will be displayed at the beginning of the import flow

Getting the import template

  1. Make sure you have the developer mode enabled. If not, enable it in the user profile (see - Chapter Appearance settings)
  2. Go to Data set summary and open the Import history.

  3. Copy the ID of the import, which will serve as the Import template.

Getting the data set ID

The data set ID can be found in the URL:

  1. Open the target data set
  2. Copy the value behind /detail/. Example: for the URL /bi/dataset/detail/1596, the data set ID is 1596


Step 1: select the import file

Step 2: preview imported values

This step shows preview of the imported values. In case some data are not valid, error is displayed for the related column. The data will be uploaded after clicking the button Import.

Step 3: Import completed

This screen is displayed once the import to the data set is completed.