BellaDati is perfectly extensible and flexible system. You can either easily embed BellaDati into your product, or bring new features into BellaDati.
There are several approaches:
- Re-brand BellaDati according to your preferred look&feel - use wide range of BellaDati whitelabeling capabilities.
- Embed live visualisations with custom filters and basic analytical filters using iFrames, anonymous, authenticated or with SSO.
- Build your own application - there are no limits, every function available in BellaDati is accessible over the REST API.
- Create own API using server side extensions
- Create customzed web application using client side extensions
- Customising BellaDati itself using Client API
- Create own visualisations or extend BellaDati Charts SDK
Building customised web application using REST API example
This sample app provides an example how application created via REST API can look like. Application has custom look based on client's graphic manual and provides selected set of reports. The end user just browses the reports, uses predefined filters or eventually adds comments.
Extending BellaDati with HR Portal features REST API example
This app created via BellaDati SDK is focused on performance of employees. Staff member of HR department just opens the app, select the employee and immediately sees the current performance. Similar application can be used to monitor performance of sales representatives or departments.
Using CLIENT API - building customised menu example
With Client API you can create your own elements, such as customised menus, navigation, controls etc.This way you can change the layout and appearance of BellaDati even further.
Integrating BellaDati with your non-web standalone apps SDK example
BellaDati REST API/SDK can be also used in the standalone applications which use BellaDati features. Available sample java SDK application provides example how chart.js library can be used to render visualisations generated by BellaDati.
Whitelabeling with CSS example
You can use custom style for any component in BellaDati GUI. Visit detailed white-labeling documentation.
iFrame embedding example
Into the iFrame you can include Charts,Maps and components like select boxes and than embedded it into your web application. This approach is coding free.
Motion sensor based IoT mobile app tracking damage of cargo (REST API)
This mobile app written in Swift is using BellaDati REST API to simulate bounces of cargo inside the truck. Which is common problem solved in logistics to protect the cargo or measure quality of road which being used for transportation.
iOS App using BellaDati REST API | BellaDati Framework (GUI Approach) |