This page will show you step by step how to install BellaDati on 64-bit Mac OS X.

Before You Begin

Please read the following important notes before you begin installing BellaDati:

  • You need to have successfully downloaded the BellaDati Mac OSX installer from the BellaDati website.
  • Check that your machine meets (at least) the minimal system requirements.
  • Check that default ports reserved for BellaDati (4848, 8080, 8181, 5432) are available and not used by any other application.
  • Decide between Advanced or Regular installation (read notes for Advanced installation at the end of this guid)

1. Welcome and Information

This window will check your machine against the minimal system requirements. Upgrade to a higher-performance machine in case your configuration does not meet the criteria, to avoid experiencing a decreased performance of BellaDati.

Click Next to proceed with the installation.

2. License Terms

Read and Accept the license agreement.

Click Next to proceed with the installation.

3. Select Destination Directory

By default, BellaDati is installed into a predefined installation directory. Click browse to navigate to different folder if you want to modify these settings. BellaDati will check your free disk capacity to ensure enough space is available.

Click Next to proceed with the installation.

4. Select Installation Type

Check Advanced Installation if you want to specify custom settings. Leave it blank to perform installation with default settings.

In advanced settings BellaDati allows you to connect to existing database or create one for you automatically. Choose the desired action and continue to:

  • 5.1 Installing with a built-in database.
  • 5.2 Connecting to an existing database. Select only if you already have a PostgreSQL database installed.

Click Next to proceed with the installation.

Proceed with the following steps only if you checked Advanced Installation. Otherwise jump to step 7.

5.1. Installing with a Built-in Database.

Approve or edit the following default settings:

  • Database port. Make sure this port is not used by other applications or services.
  • Database name
  • Database username
  • Database password

Leave the default values if you are unsure about the configuration.

Click Next to proceed with the installation.

Approve or edit the following advanced default settings:

  • Maximum number of connections
  • Shared buffers
  • Temp buffers
  • Work memory
  • Maintenance work memory
  • Maximum stack depth
  • WAL buffers
  • Effective cache size
  • Type of statements logged

Please see our documentation for more details. Leave the default values if you are unsure about the configuration.

Click Next to proceed with the installation.

Approve or edit the following autovacuum default settings:

  • Maximum number of workers
  • Naptime
  • Vacuum treshold
  • Analyze treshold
  • Vacuum scale factor
  • Analyze scale factor
  • Freeze maximum age
  • Multixact freeze maximum age
  • Vacuum cost delay
  • Vacuum cost limit

Please see our documentation for more details. Leave the default values if you are unsure about the configuration.

Click Next to proceed with the installation.

5.2. Connecting to an Existing Database

Specify the following connection parameters:

  • Hostname or IP
  • Port
  • Database name
  • Username
  • Password

Ask your database administrator if you are unsure about these settings.

Click Next to proceed with the installation.

6. Application Server Parameters

Approve or edit the following default settings:

  • Port. Make sure this port is not being used by other applications or services.
  • Xmx
  • Maximum Pool Size
  • Validate at most once in
  • HTTP Thread Pool Max Size
  • Thread Pool 1 Max Size

Please see our documentation for more details. Leave the default values if you are unsure about the configuration.

Check Start service automatically to have BellaDati up and running right after the installation.

Click Next and wait while BellaDati is installed on your computer.

7. Finishing Installation

The installation is complete. Close the window or click the link to open BellaDati in your web browser.

It could take some time to start BellaDati for a first time. Then continue with the BellaDati Setup Wizard.

Advanced installation notes

  • If you have disabled automatically starting the server in the web server configuration, or starting the server failed, you can run it manually from terminal:
    • To start BellaDati run following command from installation directory (default path: /Applications/BellaDati):
      • sudo ./belladati-start_mac (warning)

    • To stop BellaDati run following command from installation directory (default path: /Applications/BellaDati):
      • sudo ./belladati-stop_mac (warning)

  • To open BellaDati after the installation is complete, point your browser to http://localhost:8080. This is the default URL, which may differ depending on the data you entered in step 6 of the installation.


  • If you have any problems during installation, please try to complete installation (retry or ignore errors) and then send us following log file:
    • <installation-directory>/.install4j/installation.log 

Next Steps

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