
Validates the formula of a custom member.

Resource Information

Resource URL


HTTP Method


Request Parameters


Form contents to submit in following JSON format:

formulaformula of the custom member
{"formula": "return firstValue('L_ABC')"}

Response Structure

The endpoint will return either "VALID" or "INVALID". In case the formula is invalid, the response includes the error detail.

Sample Request / Response

Using curl:

curl -H "Authorization: OAuth realm=\"https://service.belladati.com/\", oauth_consumer_key=\"myConsumer\", oauth_token=\"mh7an9dkrg59\", oauth_timestamp=\"135131231\", oauth_nonce=\"randomString\"" -d "data={\"formula\": \"return firstValue('L_ABC')\"}" https://service.belladati.com/api/dataSets/formula/validate

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