This document lists all objects and methods available in the BellaDati REST API.
Resource | URL | Method | Required roles | Overview |
GET User Detail by Username | /api/users/username/:username | GET | Global admin, Domain admin, User himself | Loads details about user specified by username. |
/api/users/:id | GET | Global admin, Domain admin, User himself | Loads details about user specified by ID. | |
/api/users/:id/status | GET | Global admin, Domain admin, User himself | Returns the active status for the user specified by ID. | |
/api/users/:id/image | GET | Global admin, Domain admin, User himself | Returns the image for the user specified by ID. | |
/api/users/create | POST | Global admin, Domain admin | Creates new user. | |
/api/users/:id | POST | Global admin, Domain admin | Modifies the user specified by ID. | |
POST Set User Status | /api/users/:id/status | POST | Global admin, Domain admin | Activates/Deactivates user specified by ID. |
POST Create User Group | /api/users/groups/create | POST | Global admin, Domain admin | Creates new user group. |
POST Create User Request | /api/users/:username/requests | POST | Global admin, Domain admin, User himself | Creates new user request for user specified by username. |
POST Create Access Token | /api/users/:username/accessToken | POST | Global admin, Domain admin | Creates new access token for user specified by username. |
DELETE User | /api/users/:id | DELETE | Global admin, Domain admin | Deletes the user |
DELETE User Sessions | /api/users/:id/sessions | DELETE | For users without a domain, Global admin role is needed. For users in a domain, Domain admin or User admin role is needed. | Invalidates the access token and user sessions specified by user ID. |
Resource | URL | Method | Required roles | Overview |
/api/domains | GET | Global admin | List domains. | |
GET Domain Detail | /api/domains/:id | GET | Global admin, Domain admin | Returns details about domain specified by ID. |
GET Users | /api/domains/:domain_id/users | GET | Global admin, Domain admin | List users for domain specified by domain ID. |
GET User Groups | /api/domains/:domain_id/userGroups | GET | Global admin, Domain admin | List user groups for domain specified by domain ID. |
/api/domains/create | POST | Global admin | Creates new domain. | |
/api/domains/:id | POST | Global admin, Domain admin | Modifies the domain specified by ID. | |
POST Sign Parameters | /api/domains/:domain_id/signParameters | POST | Global admin, Domain admin | Retrieves the signature of the passed parameters. |
POST Sign Resource | /api/domains/:domain_id/signResource | POST | Global admin, Domain admin | Retrieves the signature of desired resource. |
Data sets
Resource | URL | Method | Required roles | Overview |
/api/dataSets | GET | Active user | Lists all data sets available to the user. | |
/api/dataSets/:id | GET | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor, Viewer | Shows detailed information about the data set with the specified ID. | |
GET Attribute Values | /api/dataSets/:id/attributes/:code/values | GET | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor, Viewer | Lists attribute values by given data set ID and attribute code. |
POST Attribute Value Image | /api/dataSets/:id/attributes/:code/:value/image | POST | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor | Edits image in appearance settings for given data set ID, attribute code and attribute value. |
GET Data Sources | /api/dataSets/:id/dataSources | GET | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor, Viewer | Lists all data sources related to the data set with the specified ID. |
/api/dataSets/dataSources/:id/executions | GET | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor, Viewer | Lists all data source executions specified by data source ID. | |
GET Data Source Execution Result | /api/dataSets/dataSources/:id/executions/:exid | GET | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor | Returns detailed information about the data source execution. |
/api/dataSets/dataSources/:id/schedule | POST | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor | Schedule execution for data source specified by ID. | |
GET Data Set Data | /api/dataSets/:id/data | GET | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor, Viewer | Retrieves data set data for desired data set specified by ID. |
POST Data Set Data | /api/dataSets/:id/data | POST | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, EditorGlobal admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor | Updates existing row or inserts new row in data set specified by ID. |
PATCH Data Set Data | /api/dataSets/:id/data | PATCH | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, EditorGlobal admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor | Updates existing rows in a data set specified by ID that match on given parameters. |
POST Data Set Data Replace | /api/dataSets/:id/replace | POST | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, EditorGlobal admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor | Deletes data based on a filter and then updates existing row or inserts new row in data set specified by ID. |
GET Custom Members | /api/dataSets/:id/attributes/:code/customMembers | GET | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor | Lists custom members for the given data set ID and attribute code. |
GET Custom Member Detail | /api/dataSets/:id/attributes/:code/customMembers/:cmid | GET | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor | Shows detailed information about the custom members with the specified ID. |
POST Create Custom Member | /api/dataSets/:id/attributes/:code/customMembers/create | POST | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor | Create a new custom member for given data set ID and attribute code. |
POST Edit Custom Member | /api/dataSets/:id/attributes/:code/customMembers/:cmid | POST | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor | Edits an existing custom member for given data set ID and attribute code. |
/api/dataSets/:id/attributes/:code/customMembers/:cmid | DELETE | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor | Deletes custom member with the specified ID. | |
/api/dataSets/formula/validate | POST | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor | Validates the formula of a custom member. | |
GET Subsets | /api/dataSets/:id/attributes/:code/subsets | GET | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor | Lists subsets for the given data set ID and attribute code. |
GET Subset Detail | /api/dataSets/:id/attributes/:code/subsets/:sid | GET | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor | Returns detailed information about the subset for the given data set ID and attribute code. |
/api/dataSets/:id/attributes/:code/subsets/create | POST | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor | Create a new subset for given data set ID and attribute code. | |
POST EDIT Subset | /api/dataSets/:id/attributes/:code/subsets/:sid | POST | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor | Edits the subset for given data set ID and attribute code. |
/api/dataSets/:id/attributes/:code/subsets/:sid | DELETE | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor | Deletes the subset with the specified ID. | |
GET Subset Value | /api/dataSets/:id/attributes/:code/subsets/:sid/value/:svid | GET | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor | Returns detailed information about the selected subset value for the given data set ID, attribute code and subset ID. |
/api/dataSets/:id/attributes/:code/subsets/:sid/addValue | POST | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor | Adds a new subset value for given data set ID, attribute code and subset. | |
/api/dataSets/:id/attributes/:code/subsets/:sid/value/:svid | POST | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor | Edits the subset value for given data set ID, attribute code and subset. | |
DELETE Subset Value | /api/dataSets/:id/attributes/:code/subsets/:sid/value/:svid | DELETE | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor | Deletes the subset value for given data set ID, attribute code and subset. |
/api/dataSets/:id/attributes/:code/subsets/:sid/value/:svid/moveUp | POST | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor | Changes the order of values in the subset. Moves the subset value up one level for given data set ID, attribute code and subset. | |
POST Move Subset Value Down | /api/dataSets/:id/attributes/:code/subsets/:sid/value/:svid/moveDown | POST | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor | Changes the order of values in the subset. Moves the subset value down one level for given data set ID, attribute code and subset. |
Resource | URL | Method | Required roles | Overview |
/api/reports | GET | Active user | Lists all reports available to the user. | |
GET Reports by Username | /api/reports/username/:username | GET | Global admin, Domain Admin, Users themselves | Lists all reports available to the specified user. |
/api/reports/:id | GET | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor, Viewer | Shows detailed information about the report with the specified ID. | |
GET Report Detail by Report Alias | /api/reports/alias/:alias | GET | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor, Viewer | Shows detailed information about the report with the specified alias. |
/api/reports/:id/thumbnail | GET | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor, Viewer | Returns a report thumbnail image in PNG format. | |
/api/reports/:id/comments | GET | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor, Viewer | Returns all comments for the report with the specified ID. | |
/api/reports/:id/comments | POST | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor, Viewer | Posts a comment to the report with the specified ID. | |
DELETE Comments | /api/reports/comments/:id | DELETE | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor | Deletes a comment specified by ID. |
/api/reports/:id/filter/attributeValues | GET | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor, Viewer | Returns attribute values for provided attribute code. | |
/api/reports/:id/images | POST | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor | Posts an image to the report with the specified ID. |
Resource | URL | Method | Required roles | Overview |
/api/reports/views/:id/chart | GET | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor, Viewer | This method returns chart metadata (for HTML5 renderer). | |
/api/reports/views/:id/kpi | GET | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor, Viewer | This method returns data and metadata of specified KPI view. | |
/api/reports/views/:id/text | GET | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor, Viewer | This method returns custom content and its metadata. | |
/api/reports/views/:id/table/bounds | GET | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor, Viewer | This method returns bounds of the table. | |
/api/reports/views/:id/table/leftHeader | GET | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor, Viewer | This method returns left header in form of HTML. | |
/api/reports/views/:id/table/topHeader | GET | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor, Viewer | This method returns top header in form of HTML. | |
/api/reports/views/:id/table/data | GET | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor, Viewer | This method returns table data in HTML format. | |
/api/reports/views/:id/table/json | GET | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor, Viewer | This method returns entire table in JSON format. | |
GET Table Indicators | /api/reports/views/:id/table/indicators | GET | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor, Viewer | This method returns table indicators. |
GET Table Drill-down Configuration | /api/reports/views/:id/table/drilldownConfig | GET | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor, Viewer | This method returns the drill-down configuration of the table. |
/api/reports/views/:id/table/indicators/:iid/conditions | GET | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor, Viewer | This method returns the conditional formatting of a selected table indicator. | |
/api/reports/views/:id/table/indicators/:iid/conditions/create | POST | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor | This method creates a conditional formatting for a selected table indicator. | |
/api/reports/views/:id/table/indicators/:iid/conditions/:index | DELETE | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor | This method deletes selected conditional formatting for a selected table indicator. | |
GET Map | /api/reports/views/:id/map | GET | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor, Viewer | This method returns data for rendering a map in JSON format. |
/api/reports/views/:id/image | GET | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor, Viewer | This method returns view (chart or table) as image in PNG format. | |
GET View as PDF | /api/reports/views/:id/export/pdf | GET | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor, Viewer | This method returns view (chart, table or map) as PDF file. |
POST Edit Image View | /api/reports/views/:id/image | POST | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor | This method edits image in the view with the specified ID. |
Resource | URL | Method | Overview | |
/api/dashboards | GET | Active user | This method performs the listing of all dashboards available for user. | |
GET Dashboards by Username | /api/dashboards/username/:username | GET | Global admin, Domain admin, User himself | Lists all dashboards available to the specified user. |
/api/dashboards/:id | GET | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor, Viewer | This method performs loading of dashboard details specified by the id parameter. | |
/api/dashboards/:id/thumbnail | GET | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor, Viewer | This method returns dashboard thumbnail represented by the first view in PNG format. |
Resource | URL | Method | Required roles | Overview |
/api/import/forms | GET | Active user | This method returns list of data collection forms for signed user. | |
/api/import/forms/:id | GET | Active user | This method returns desired collection form specified by ID | |
/api/import/forms/:id | POST | Active user | This method posts data to the form specified by ID. | |
POST JSON Data | /api/import/:id | POST | Global admin, Domain admin, Owner, Editor | This method posts data to BellaDati in JSON format. |
POST Image to Media Gallery | /api/import/media/image | POST | Active user | Posts image to BellaDati Media Gallery. |
Resource | URL | Method | Required roles | Overview |
/api/utils/file/{path} | GET | Active user (must be allowed in domain settings) | Returns file from given absolute path. | |
GET Merge PDF files | /api/utils/mergePdfFiles/{paths} | GET | Active user (must be allowed in domain settings) | Merges PDF files (specified by given absolute paths separated by ";") into one PDF file. |
GET Images from Media Gallery | /api/media/image | GET | Global admin, Domain admin, Active user from same domain | Returns a list of all images available to the user |
GET Image from Media gallery | /api/media/image/:id | GET | Global admin, Domain admin, Active user from same domain | Returns image from image gallery |