Method | Endpoint | Description |
GET | /bi/report/api:list | List reports available to the currently signed user. |
GET | /bi/report/api:list/QUERY | List reports available to the currently signed user filtered by the provided search query. |
GET | /bi/report/api:detail/REPORT_ID | Shows the detail including views list for selected report specified by REPORT_ID. |
GET | /bi/report/api:viewDetail/REPORT_VIEW_ID | Loads the view detail with data. Not available for images and maps. |
GET | /bi/report/api:comments/REPORT_ID | List comments for the report specified by REPORT_ID. |
POST | /bi/report/api:addComment/REPORT_ID?text=comments text | Add comment to the report specified by REPORT_ID. |
POST | /bi/report/api:removeComments/REPORT_ID?id=COMMENT_ID | Remove comment COMMENT_ID from the report specified by REPORT_ID. |
POST | /bi/report/api:editComment/REPORT_ID?id=COMMENT_ID&text=:newtext | Edit comment COMMENT_ID from the report specified by REPORT_ID. |
GET/POST | /bi/report/api:forceDataTableName/REPORT_ID/DATA_TABLE_NAME | Sets custom table name to load data from different database table. |
GET/POST | /bi/report/api:clearcache/REPORT_ID | Deletes report cache |
POST | /report/api:tableDrilldown/:viewReportId?identifierQuery=:idQuery | Applies a drill-down to the table |
POST | /report/api:tableRollup/:viewReportId?identifierQuery=:idQuery | Collapses a drill-down of the table |
GET | /bi/report/api:getFilterDrilldownAttributeValues/:reportId?filter=:valuesFilter&code=:attributeCode&selectedValues=:alreadySelectedValues | Loads report filters |
POST | /bi/report/api:setFilter/:reportId?filter=:filterToSet | Applies changes to report filter |
POST | /bi/report/api:setVariables/REPORT_ID?code=value | Sets value to report variable |
GET | /bi/report/api:filterUrl/REPORT_ID | Get set report filters |
GET | /bi/report/api:viewFilterUrl/REPORT_VIEW_ID | Get set view filters |
GET | /bi/report/api:addIndicator/REPORT_VIEW_ID?code=M_INDICATORCODE&color=ff0000&axisRight=true&unit=USD&format=%23.00 | Sets new indicator to view. Color and axis are optional. If not saved, then it will be only for current session. Color, unit and format are optional |
GET | /bi/report/api:removeIndicator/REPORT_VIEW_ID?code=M_INDICATOR | Removes indicator from view. If not saved, then it will be only for current session |
GET/POST | /bi/report/api:replaceIndicators/REPORT_VIEW_ID?code=M_INDICATORCODE&color=ff0000&unit=USD&format=%23.00 | Removes all set indicators and adds selected indicators. Color, unit and format are optional |
Special characters in "QUERY" in Endpoint "/bi/report/api:list/QUERY" should be encoded as following: "word1 word2" -> "word1$0020word2".
Listing reports example
Following code will list all reports as JavaScript objects for currently signed user.
Listing reports as objects
$.ajax({ url: "", success: function(reply) { console.log(reply); } });
Following code will list all report object parameters (description,id,link,name,tags) for all reports of currently signed user.
Listing reports parameters
$.ajax({ url: "", success: function(reply) { for (i = 0; reply.length; i = i + 1) { console.log(reply[i].name); } } });
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