Types and enumerations
Here are listed all types and enumerations that can be used in REST API.
User role
Value | Description |
ADMIN | Global Administrator |
WORKSPACE_ADMIN | Domain Administrator |
SCHEMA_ADMIN | Data Manager |
DATA_ADMIN | Report Editor |
User request type
Value | Description |
LOGIN | Login |
LOGIN_UNATTENDED | Unattended login |
PASSWORD_SET | Set of new password |
PASSWORD_RESET | Reset of current password |
UNLOCK_ACCOUNT | Unlock account |
Attribute type
Value | Description |
String | Attribute with String value |
Numeric | Attribute with numeric value |
Integer | Attribute with Integer value |
Boolean | Attribute with true or false value |
Date | Attribute with date value (without time) |
Time | Attribute with time value (without date) |
DateTime | Attribute with date and time value |
Text | Attribute with long text value |
JSON | Attribute with JSON value |
GeoJSON | Attribute with GeoJSON value |
Point | Attribute with geographic point value |
Indicator type
Value | Description |
DATA_INDICATOR | Data indicator |
FORMULA_INDICATOR | Formula indicator |
INDICATOR_GROUP | Indicator group |
Import form field type
Value | Description |
username | Field for username values |
textfield | Field for text values |
datefield | Field for dates |
checkbox | Field for boolean values |
timestamp | Field for timestamps |
select | Field for selection |
Data Overwriting Policy
Value | Description |
DELETE_ALL | Deletes existing data |
DELETE_BY_MEMBERS | Replaces existing data by members (deletes matching rows and adds new) |
DELETE_BY_MEMBERS_WITHOUT_IMPORT | Replaces existing data by members without import |
UPDATE_BY_VALUES | Updates existing data by members (multiple rows can be updated by one imported row) |
Import Period
Value | Description | Minutes |
CUSTOM | Specifies custom repeat interval in minutes. | |
HOUR | Hour | 60 |
HOUR2 | 2 hours | HOUR * 2 |
HOUR4 | 4 hours | HOUR * 4 |
HOUR8 | 8 hours | HOUR * 8 |
DAY | Day | HOUR * 24 |
DAY2 | 2 days | DAY * 2 |
WEEK | Week | DAY * 7 |
WEEK2 | 2 weeks | WEEK * 2 |
MONTH | Month | DAY * 31 |
QUARTER | Quarter | MONTH * 3 |
YEAR | Year | DAY * 365 |
View Report type
Value | Description |
chart | Chart view |
table | Table view |
map | Map view |
kpi | KPI view |
text | Custom content view |
image | Image view |
Dashlet type
Value | Description |
viewReport | View Report |
textContent | Text content |
Page size
Value | Description |
A1 | Page size A1 |
A2 | Page size A2 |
A3 | Page size A3 |
A4 | Page size A4 |
Page orientation
Value | Description |
PORTRAIT | Portrait page orientation |
LANDSCAPE | Landscape page orientation |
Indicator size
Value | Description |
x-small | Smaller |
small | Small |
normal | Normal |
large | Large |
x-large | Larger |
xx-large | Very large |
Conditional formatting symbol
Value | Description | Symbol value |
ARROW_UP | Arrow up | ↑ |
ARROW_DOWN | Arrow down | ↓ |
PROBLEM | Exclamation mark | ! |
WARNING | Warning | ▲ |
Conditional formatting conditions
Value | Description | Compare value |
EQ | equals | 1 value e.g. |
NEQ | not equal to | 1 value e.g. |
GT | greater than | 1 value e.g. |
GTE | greater than or equal to | 1 value e.g. |
LT | lower than | 1 value e.g. |
LTE | lower than or equal to | 1 value e.g. |
GBY | greater by | Two values e.g. values "100" and "150" |
LBY | lower by | Two values e.g. values "100" and "150" |
PGBY | lower by percentage | 1 value e.g. |
PLBY | greater by percentage | 1 value e.g. |
BW | between two values | Two values e.g. values "100" and "150" |
NOT_BW | between two values | Two values e.g. values "100" and "150" |
Date and time interval type
Value | Description |
absolute | Absolute interval |
relative | Relative interval |
custom | Custom interval |
Date Interval Period
Value | Description |
DAY | Day |
WEEK | Week |
MONTH | Month |
QUARTER | Quarter |
YEAR | Year |
Time Interval Period
Value | Description |
HOUR | Hour |
MINUTE | Minute |
SECOND | Second |
Filter operation type
Value | Description | Compare value |
EQ | equals | 1 value e.g. |
NEQ | not equal to | 1 value e.g. |
GT | greater than | 1 value e.g. |
GTE | greater than or equal to | 1 value e.g. |
LT | lower than | 1 value e.g. |
LTE | lower than or equal to | 1 value e.g. |
BTWN | between two values | Array of two values e.g. values": ["2019-01-14", "2019-01-16"] |
IN | contains | Array of values
NOT_IN | doesn't contain | Array of values
NULL | empty | |
NOT_NULL | not empty | |
COUNT | count | Count operation and 1 value e.g. "countOp":"LTE","value":"816" |
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