Report List view allows you to create multiple vertical tabs each with content of different report or just a view

You need to be in edit mode in order to create new custom content. Click on "Edit" in top report menu to activate edit mode.

To add a new Report List, hover over free place and click on Other then select Report List view type. The Add custom view dialog box will appear.

After you set your Report List name you can start to create your tabs.

  • Name - Name of your tab. This name can be translated to all languages
  • Report - Here you set report ID (e.g. 123), or alias (e.g. alias-of-this-report), or view report ID to display only one specific view instead of whole report (e.g. 321-ArBoqemHlj)

Click Add to add new record. If you are editing any record click Edit to save your changes and be able to create new record.

If you are using adaptive layout you must insert report only with adaptive layout

  • No labels